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Chapter 25

Hunter had headed outside, finding Eve sitting on the curb in the rain, weeping and heartbroken. He pulled off his blazer, holding it over her head, and helped her to her feet. Eve grabbed onto him like a lifeline, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest, gripping the fabric of his dress shirt between her fingers.

Hunter just pulled her to him, holding her as tight as he could. He knew more than anyone the hurt that being cheated on could cause. He felt his own pain lurking up inside. He knew exactly how she was feeling. It was the same hurt he had when he found his wife in bed with a rival team member, and not for the first time. It never got any easier, and the pain was just as real as the day it happened the first time.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here."

"He lied to me. I can't believe I trusted him, Hunter. He was so charming and… I'm so stupid. Greg was right all along. He's a monster."

"I know it hurts, sweetie. I know what you're going through. I was there myself not long ago. I'm here. Just let it out."

Hunter pulled Eve under the restaurant awning to get out of the rain. He held her close, letting her cry it out while trying to keep his own emotions in check. Looking up at the sky, he felt his heart clench at the pain he had been trying so hard to get past himself. It was an all too familiar reminder of his past.

Adam stepped out of the restaurant. Rushing over, he pulled her from Hunter's arms. "Get your damn hands off my girl!"

"Your girl? We are OVER! Adam Weston, you're a jerk. I never want to see or talk to you ever again!" Eve cried, shoving him away.

"Eve, baby. You promised you would never leave me. Please, just hear me out."

"No! I promised to not leave you for someone else. I never promised to stay with a lying, cheating asshole! Go to your wife. She's the one you always have time for. The one you rushed to LA to see. The one you drop me at a blink of an eye to talk to. Does she know her husband is an adulterous jackass?"

"We have an open marriage. She has men on the side, too. Eve, we can fix this. It doesn't have to be the end."

"That's sick. You're sick. To think I almost gave myself to you."

Adam chuckled deviously at her comment. "Yeah right. You are an uptight prude when it comes to being intimate in any way. You have no intention of having any sexual relationship with me, do you?" He pointed at Hunter. "You are too hung up on this asshole to ever have a normal relationship with me or anyone else. Get over it, Eve. Guys like Hunter Ashford don't want nobody like you. You know what the media says about him. He is a rich playboy. You are nothing in his world. You might as well get used to the fact you are just another crazy, obsessed fan, begging for his attention."

Hunter looked at her with a little glint of hope in his amber-colored eyes. He was a little flattered she might like him. Also hurting for her knowing how it feels to be cheated on himself. He knew for now he had to be a friend. That's what she needed. Someone she could trust and lean on.

"Eve, that's not true. None of it. Don't listen to him. He's just mad he got caught up in all his lies."

"Eve. Baby, we are just upset. Let's go someplace and talk." Adam stepped toward her.

Hunter pulled her to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders protectively. "Leave her alone, Adam. You might be my half-brother, but I can't stand by and watch you hurt this girl."

"I guess I am not too different from you after all, huh? It's in the genes. You have looked down on me since Dad introduced us. Hunter, you are no different from me and you know it. You fucked around on your wife, too. So don't pretend to be too fucking self-righteous."

Eve backed away from Hunter, and he quickly noticed her disappointment. She had heard rumors about him and believed them to be true.

Hunter dropped his head. "I never cheated on Victoria. She cheated on me over-and-over again. You, and no one else, know the real truth behind those rumors. I don't care what the media or anyone else says. I know who I really am, and I am not a cheater. I loved her. She was my wife, and she betrayed me. I would never hurt the woman I love. But you… you need to leave, Adam. When Eve is ready to talk, she will."

Adam stepped up toe-to-toe with his brother. "Make me leave, big man. I'm not going anywhere without her."

Hunter just stood calmly and looked into his brother's eyes. "Look at her, Adam. She's cold, wet, and hurting. Don't you think you have done enough? Did she deserve to be lied to? I will not fight with my own brother. I'm trying to keep calm right now but being we're family, you really disappoint me."

Adam could see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. The same look his mother used to give him as a child when she couldn't provide for them. Adam looked over to Eve, who huddled in a corner near the restaurant door shivering; her mascara smeared down her face, looking broken and alone.

The doorman stepped up. "I'm sorry. You all are disturbing our patrons. You need to go to your table or leave."

Hunter turned to Eve, and a loud crash of thunder rumbled. He saw her jump and her eyes read she was absolutely heartbroken. He reached out his hand, sauntering up to her. He didn't want to cause more pain than she already was in.

"Eve, let me help you. Let me take you someplace safe and get you in some dry clothes. Staying here right now won't solve any of this."

Adam just watched as Eve looked at him with her sad eyes. He could tell Hunter was sincerely trying to help her. As much of a horrible person that he had become, Eve had been his light in the darkness of his current life. He couldn't hurt her anymore. Adam wasn't really this person he was becoming, but he had more important things to take care of than this.

Adam's goal of using her to be on the inside of Ashford Sports was over. He used her to get on his father's good side and learn the inner workings of the business. His plan to manipulate her to be his mole for his business endeavor was over. He would have to find another way. He couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't use Eve this way. She was too good to him and he hurt the one person in his life who may have actually truly cared for him. He dropped his head in realization. He was turning into a monster.

"Go. I'm not good for you, Eve. I would destroy you. I'm sorry." He walked over, kissing her forehead. "I'll never forget you." Adam walked away to his car and drove away.

Hunter walked over just standing next to her, waiting patiently as they watched Adam drive away.

Eve reached over and took Hunter's hand to get his attention. "I'm… ccccold."

Hunter looked over at her big blue eyes. She looked like a sad puppy left out in the rain. The big blue eyes he had been thinking about since they met, were now filled with tears and heartache.

Hunter pulled her to him, trying to warm her. "Let's get you someplace warm. I'll have Grace go grab your things from the hotel."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because no one deserves to go through this alone. I know firsthand."

Martin and Grace exited the restaurant and called for their cars to be pulled up, and the father went over, rubbing Eve's arm. "Are you all right, dear? I'm sorry about what my son did to you. This is not what I teach my children. I wish Adam would have been in our family as a child. Things would have been different for him."

"I'll be fine. I'm sorry we met like this, and don't blame yourself. Adam knew what he was doing." Eve dropped her head in embarrassment. "I'll be okay."

"Don't worry. I hear you are going to be Hunter's new PA. We will have a lot of time to get to know each other. Things will be just fine. You'll see." Martin winked at her. "Hunter, the storm is getting pretty bad. They just upgraded again to a level two hurricane. Take her to your house. The weather says it should be okay tonight, but not to travel the roads. Grace, you and I will go pick up Adam and head to my place. It's not safe at the hotel they are staying at by the beach. Besides, I want to have a very long overdue conversation with my son."

Eve could tell Martin was fuming over Adam treating her this way. He was a dedicated family man and was obviously shaken by the news.

"Yes, Sir. Eve, you'll be safe with me. Grace, can you drop her things off at my place on the way to Dad's house?"

"Sure thing, Bro. Eve. I'm so sorry. I'll be by to check on you as soon as the storm passes. We can go have a girls' day."

"Thanks, Grace." Eve hugged her saying, "Sorry, I'm such a bother."

"No bother, sweetie. Guys can be total dicks. Even my brothers have their moments."

Martin frowned at his daughter. "Grace. Language."

She chuckled. "Sorry, Dad. Anyway, us girls gotta stick together. You will be safe with Hunter at his mansion. Adam has a sort of short temper. So I think it's best you stay away from him tonight."

"Temper?" Eve had noticed, but it was the first time anyone had addressed it.

"Don't worry. We will talk about everything later." Grace waved by and pulled her dad to the waiting limo.

Hunter shook his head in frustration as his black SUV pulled up. "Guess you are stuck with me, short stuff. Think you can handle that? I'm not much of a girl talk sort of guy, but I am a good listener, if you want to talk."

"How about we just watch one of your old games on TV and try to forget all this for a while? I'm not up for talking right now." Eve gave a fake half-smile.

Hunter led her to the car. "Sounds great. I'll order us some hot wings and beer from the restaurant down the street on the way. We didn't get to finish eating, anyway. I would rather have wings and beer any day than booshie fancy restaurant food."

"You like hot wings? That's my favorite food."

"Me too. This is going to be a great friendship, Eve Calloway." He put his arm over her shoulder and led her to the car.

"I sure hope so."