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Chapter 29

Eve sat alone in the waiting room watching the storm rage outside, wishing it would blow over. More so, wishing her best friend Greg was here to comfort her and give her some much needed bestie advice. Tapping her foot on the tile floor while she nervously bit at her fingernails, she kept checking the time on her phone. The past few days had her in a tailspin and worrying if the little girl was alright was the icing on the cake.

As a loud crash of thunder echoed across the room, someone touched her shoulder, making her jump.

"What the…!"

Pulling her from the seat, Hunter grabbed the side of her face with one hand and crashed Eve's body into him with the other. Before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her hard with everything he had. Eyes wide, she didn't know what was happening, but desperately wanted more. His velvet tongue was like heaven and the commanding way he took charge of her body sent her mind for a loop.

After the initial shock, slowly her eyes lulled shut, letting the warmness of his soft lips take everything he needed in that moment to relieve his worries. Her arms slip up around his neck, softly needing the hair at the nape of his neck with a soft moan. If this was the only time she would ever feel this man's lips, she was going to enjoy every sweet moment of it.

Kissing soft pecks upon her lips, he said. "You saved my baby girl's life. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to her," as he started to kiss Eve again, he stopped himself.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry… I… I just needed…"

Letting her go, he stepped back, allowing himself to gain his composure.

"I don't know what came over me. Eve, I --" He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm so sorry. That was out of line."

"No. Don't worry. It's all right. You were just emotional over Harper. I understand. Is she okay?" she said, rubbing his arm to comfort him.

Standing straight, Hunter ran his hand through his long wavy blonde hair, trying to get past the fact he just kissed this woman without thinking.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed right now," he said, as he quickly tried to change the subject. "They are giving Harper some fluids and she can go home in an hour."

"That's good. The storm is picking up again, so we need to get her home where it's safe."

"Yeah, about that. My dad called. He said we need to grab our things and head inland because we're under evacuation. They are staying at his mansion in Orlando near our main headquarters. Some of my other family is heading there now."

Wrapping her arms around herself, she turned away with a sigh. "Adam too, I suppose."

"Yeah. I'm afraid so. Dad wouldn't let him leave until the storm blows over."

"I'll find a hotel then. I'm not staying anywhere near him."

"The hell you will. My dad's place is huge, and I already suggested to them to let you stay in the guest house with me and Harper so you don't have to deal with him. I'm not giving the asshole a chance to get you alone. He's already proven he can't be trusted, and I want you to feel safe. Also, I doubt with all the airplanes being grounded, you'll find a hotel that has any available rooms."

"He's your brother, Hunter. You don't have to be angry at him over me."

"He's also acting like an idiot, and I don't even like him around my daughter. So, we'll camp out at my dad's, eat junk food, and watch Frozen with Harper for the millionth time in row."

"Okay, I really would like to make sure Harper is okay. That really scared me and I want to be sure she's feeling better. Hunter... about that kiss."

"I know. It was out of line."

"No. It's not that. I just… Shouldn't I feel guilty? Because honestly… I liked it."

Blushing, he looked away. "You did? I haven't kissed a woman since long before my divorce. I guess I should be the one to feel guilty for kissing my brother's ex girlfriend."

Looking back at her, he stepped closer, grazing the back of his hand down her cheek. "I don't regret it. I hope you won't either."

Nodding, she gave a soft smile. Every part of her wanted to tell him she liked him. But the fact she just broke up with his brother was weighing on her heavily.

"It was just the heat of the moment, I guess. We were just worried about Harper, right?"

Shaking his head yes, he knew it was a lie. He knew he wanted her, and every part of him lit up the moment his lips touched hers. He would wait, and before long, Eve Calloway would learn exactly who Hunter Ashford really was. He would show her what he could do for her that his brother never could; make her happy.


"What the hell do you think you're doing with my girl, Hunter?" Adam said, shoving him.

He, Harper, and Eve had just walked into the mansion when Adam rushed up to him, throwing a fit.

Looking away, it was taking everything in him to not knock out his own brother. Hunter's jaw ticked in anger, scowling, "Back off, man. Don't do this in front of my daughter. Besides, nothing's going on. She just stayed over because of the storm. She needed to get away from you."

"You should have brought her here, not playing house with my girl."

"I'm not your girl and stop arguing in front of Harper," Eve demanded.

The youngest Ashford daughter, with ombre black and bright neon green hair, stepped up. Smacking Adam playfully on the back of the head, she giggled. The tattooed young woman looked like a rock star an as sassy as they came.

"Settle down there, pretty boy. Harper doesn't need to hear your stupid bickering. I swear I hate all the male testosterone in this family, that's why I'm living in LA right now. Every time I visit, one of my stupid brothers is having some ridiculous girl drama. You must really be an Ashford man because you're a jealous cry baby."

"You live in --" he looked nervous, realizing she lived in LA. "I thought you lived in Chicago."

"I moved last month. Gotta go where the money is."

"Auntie, Faith, pick me up!" Harper squealed happily, running into the woman's arms.

Hunter nodded to his sister, teasing, "Nice hair, weirdo. Did you fall into a vat of nuclear waste?"

Walking over with Harper on her hip, she gave her big brother a side hug. "I thought you'd like it. Neon green is your favorite color."

"New tattoo too, I see," he noted, looking down at the large floral and skull tattoo on her shoulder.

"Yep, I like it. I'm working on a sleeve."

With a grunt, Hunter shook his head. "The Youngest child syndrome. A desperate cry for attention."

"Sort of like the opposite of the oldest child syndrome; being an uptight ball of nerves. Speaking of the oldest. I guess you're not holding that title now. Adam is," she taunted.

The brothers looked at each other with a scowl, realizing she was right. It was like a sudden battle for dominance, and Hunter was not willing to give up his spot as the oldest Ashford.

"Adam. Hunter. Dad is waiting in the living room for you two. He wants to set some ground rules so you don't end up killing each other. I heard about your drama last night," she said, turning to Eve. "And… the source of said drama. You must be Eve. Hi. I'm Faith, the normal one. Unlike my family of sports fanatics, I'm the band geek and the social misfit outcast."

"Nice to meet you. I love your hair."

"Thanks. I just color it to annoy my big brother. Hunter claims it's Brody that is too uptight, but they are cut from the same mold. Anyway, forget my idiot brothers. I'm sure they will be on their best behavior tonight, right, guys?"

Glaring at each other, neither man budged.

Scolding, Faith reiterated, "Right, guys."

Adam rolled his eyes, turning away. "Fine, whatever."

Harper, tugging on her aunt's hair, said, "Auntie, Evey saved me. She gave me my go-go juice."

"I heard. Pretty cool, right? Come on, let's show Eve around and take your bags to the guest house. Let Daddy and the guys deal with your grumpy old grandpa."

"Grandpa is mad."

Faith chuckled. "Darn right, he is. Best let the guys and Grace take care of it while us girls go play. Are you in, Eve?"

Looking back to Hunter, she sought approval to bail out on the conversion with Martin. "Hunter, should I go with you to clear things up?"

"No, I'll deal with it. You get settled. Looks like we are in for a long night."