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Chapter 81

After the weigh-in Nick was hyped up and bouncing in place. 

"Damn, I feel good!"

Wrapping her arm around his she smiled up at him. "You're excited for tomorrow, aren't you? I love seeing you like this."

"I own it all to you. Without you coming into my life, I'd still be on the couch feeling sorry for myself. Now I'm ready to fight. The sky's the limit baby."

"Well, I'm glad. You deserve this. Your dad looked so proud of you."

"Roxy and her dad seemed happy too. Her dad is the greatest and I'm so grateful he's letting get back in the ring again."

"Well, I say let's celebrate," she said looking seductively at him as they walked toward the limo.

"What do you have in mind beautiful?"

"Oh. I don't know. I was thinking… we could have a little alone time."

"Mmm. Sounds perfect."