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Chapter 87

Four months later… 

Once Martin calmed down after the ambush at dinner, he calmed down enough to listen to his son's request. To his surprise they had really thought things out. Even though he still despised wrestling, he agreed a mix of pro wrestling and MM would be an exciting twist for both brands. So, he agreed to be a silent partner in the project, allowing his sons to take the lead, so long as he had full disclosure of how things were going behind the scenes. 

After a long few months of training, Sam was ready to make her return. With Martin and his lawyers, Brad was behind bars where he belonged, leaving Sam to live her life as she chose. 

She was right about one thing; she and Nick were a great team, and they were able to make all the career choices they talked about work with good time management. A new fitness program was well on its way, and she was on her way to becoming a celebrity fighter.