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Chapter 93: Bad Business

Stepping into her father's office, Grace Ashford was ready to put her foot down about her new project ideas. She had been fighting for months just to be heard, and until now, it had fallen on deaf ears. As much faith as he had put in his daughter, it seemed her older brothers still had more pull with the CEO of Ashford Sports than she did. After all, the boys had convinced the man to invest in a wrestling company. He had hated wrestling for years, and to everyone's surprise, Martin had started to enjoy watching the shows.

Grace straightened her shoulders and took a deep before swinging open the door to Martin Ashford's pristine office. The big red office door was like a blaring beacon to her torment. It literally spoke volumes to those who entered saying 'Stop and think before you enter this space'. As kind hearted as Martin was, he was just as tough in the boardroom and entering his office was like entering a lion's den.