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Chapter 96

As Daxton left the mansion, he thought about the conversation he and Margret had about his mother. It was like a blow to his heart every time anyone mentioned her. He remembered how his mother left him and her father for the rich investment banker, one of the many men in a line of failed marriages. It all happened at the time of his life he needed her most. The last man in line seemed to last longer than the others. Richer and more to offer. As much as he hated to admit it, Dax actually liked the man and hoped this time his mother was really in love.

His mother, Gwendolyn Worthford, was always very much about money and looking for the bigger payday. Her most recent husband, being the icing on the cake for the older woman. 

Dax hadn't even so much as talked to his mother in three years after a tumultuous argument that came between them. 
