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Chapter 114

The next day Dax went to visit his best friend at the lab while he waited for Grace to get home. He had been begging her to test the products to see what was making people sick. 

"Dax. I can't test products without funding. You know that." Sylvia messed with her microscope. 

"But Sylvia, I think these products are copies. And look… this one I ordered doesn't even smell the same as what they gave me at the resort. It stinks and the product is separating. It's an oily mess. Grace would never approve of this shit.  Remember I told you there was a box of the wraps missing at the convention? Mark was snooping around that day, and I think he stole it." Dax followed his friend around the room. "We both know he's done it before."

"I believe you, but I can't test without the money. The dean would have my head," Sylvia insisted. "I'm already walking a tight rope as is."