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Chapter 124

The rest of the week Violet focused on her work and traveling with Brody for an upcoming movie premiere appearance where he did a cameo in a comedy movie earlier in the year. Brody sat in the two-bedroom hotel suite common area watching his new assistant, trying to figure her out. She hadn't been her normal jovial self for a couple of days. 

He stood and walked over to sit by her on the large sofa as she tapped away on her laptop. "Violet, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Are you adjusting to the job all right?" Brody asked, concerned. "You seem distracted."

"I think so. Am I in trouble? I know I messed up on that email yesterday. It was an honest mistake, and I misunderstood what you asked of me." 

"Oh no, Violet. You're doing great. I just haven't seen that pretty smile of yours in a few days." Brody reached over, patting her on the knee. "Are you sure everything's all right?"