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Chapter 146: Monster Bunny Holiday

Six months after Violet and Brody were married Violet was very pregnant and ready for her baby to be born. Stephanie peeked into the office across the hall of their new office at Ashford Sports International. A whole floor dedicated to their new show and magazine allowed Brody to be close to his father.

"Hey Violet, I need to do some Christmas shopping. Want to head out early and go with me?"

"Sure, I haven't been able to get Brody anything yet. This baby will be here any time now and I want to do something special for him." Rubbing her belly. "Who knew we would be both pregnant at the same time." 

"I know right. After this one, I'm done. No more babies for me. But Seth and I wanted this." Stephanie smiled thinking about the younger husband, Seth.

Violet giggled. "You're such a cougar."

"Whatever, team MILF!" Steph fist bumped Violet. "We may be pregnant but still hot."