
I look around, groaning in pain. My back felt like it was on fire. "Hello?" I call out, my voice hoarse. No answer. I was getting used to that around here. I try to push myself up but cry out, collapsing back down.

I sniffle. I don't think reality of what had happened to me had completely caught up to me yet. For the moment I just felt numb.

Would I ever get to see my family again? My mom was always away at work and my brother teased me often but... when everyone was getting along, I could almost say things were perfect.

A door opened somewhere to my left, but I didn't dare move. In fact, I closed my eyes and leveled my breathing, pretending I was asleep.

Footsteps moved to my right and I hear a sigh. "Look, I know your awake. You can open your eyes." It was Apollo.

I open my eyes and glare at him. He has a serious look on his face. "In three days you start your training. Heal up fast. In an hour you'll come down for dinner. I'll get you then." At that he turns and starts to leave.

I turn my neck, wincing. " What for?"

He looks back at me. "Well, you'll be trained in physical arts such as fighting and defense first. After that we'll see where you belong." He walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I sigh, and slowly fall asleep.


I wake with a start. Apollo is standing over me, his blue gray eyes staring into mine. "Get up."

I try. I really do, but after what feels like the struggle of I lifetime I flop back down, panting. "I can't." I say.

Apollo huffs and lifts me up, setting me on my feet. We walk slowly, but eventually we reach what looks like a mess hall. He gestures to me to sit down at a table he points at and then goes and grabs two burgers. He gives one to me and sits down next to me.

I stare at it. It looks good. Gormet even. I just wasn't hungry. I look around. There was people scattered across the hall, eating various meals and talking amongst each other. "Who are these people?" I ask.

Apollo chews his food thoughtfully. "People working for the Boss. Some are working with him but they're not in here right now."

"So they're like me?" I ask.

Apollo nods. "Some of them." he looks at me. "It's not that bad once you get used to it."

I tilt my head at him. "You had to get used to it?"

He just stared at me. "Did I say that? That's not what I meant."

He points to my burger. "Eat, you're gonna need it."

I do what he says, deep in thought.