The Boss

Today I woke up early. Well, it was more like I couldn't sleep. I lay in bed, staring up at the tall ceiling. It was testing day. To say I was nervous wouldn't be saying enough. I didn't know what would happen to me if I failed but I was pretty sure I wouldn't be going back home.

After laying in bed for a while I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my training gear. Before I stepped out of my room I checked my clock. It was only seven. Training didn't start till eleven.

I sigh to myself and make my way to the mess hall. I should make sure to eat well, even though I didn't want to.

I check the menu before ordering a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. They gave me the banana right away but I had to wait a couple minutes for the oatmeal. I lean against the wall and look around the hall while I wait.

My gaze catches Apollo, sitting with a group of his buddies. His hair was messy and he looked like shit. I frown. Apollo always looks well put together. He was glaring down at the table as he drank his cup of coffee so I couldn't see his face.

"So! Apollo! How'd it go?" One of the men sitting next to him nudges him. I couldn't hear his response because he was far away and he had probably grumbled.

The table laughs and the man grins at him. "Gave you one hell of a beating though that's for sure!" The table laughs again.

I stopped listening when my name was called. I turn and grab my food before leaving the mess hall.

What were the talking about? Did Apollo get in trouble?" I frown to myself.

I sit outside, enjoying the quiet as I eat my oatmeal. When finished I walk over to a trash can and toss the bowl and the peel of my banana.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn quickly, startled, but alert. To my surprise I see the boss and the lady who shipped me on my first day....her name was Luna.

I don't relax at all, watching them as they watched me. We stood like that for a bit before The Boss gave me a creepy smile. "Wren." He sneered. "You should know what to do at the feet of authority."

I hesitate, before standing up straight and folding my hands behind my back, bowing my head. "Sir...Ma'am." I say, glaring hard at the floor.

"Relax boy." Luna says, rolling her eyes. I do, and eye them nervously. "Is there anything I can do for you both?" I say, with another head bow.

The Boss walks towards me and looks me up and down. "Oh how you've grown boy! I was right to place you in Apollo's're going to do great things. Very great things indeed."

"Thank you...sir." I say, confused.

The Boss smiles at me and turns to leave. Before he does, he looks back at me. "See you at training boy."

He walks away, Luna following on his heels. Finally, I relax, and hurry back into the mansion.