
Over the next couple of hours, the three of us made our way through the halls, mopping up puddles of blood and dragging bodies into a pile in the courtyard.

We bumped into a couple of other small groups, giving each other wary smiles as we passed.

It was nearly 2am by the time we had finished, dragging the last body, a skinny boy who had a hole in his chest, to the pile. We trudged back inside and slumped against a way, sliding down to sitting positions.

"I'm so fucking tired." Nyx grumbled, her eyes half lidded. Thomas and I nod. I rest my head back on the wall and Nyx lays her head on Thomas' shoulder.

In minutes we were all snoring softly.

We had probably slept there for around an hour before I felt my shoulder being shaken. I jerk awake, my eyes going wide.

Apollo was staring at me, the grey in his eyes bright with concern. I look around. Nyx and Thomas were still slumped over, asleep.

"I'm sorry... shouldn't have fallen asleep here..." I say, still sleepy.

Apollo shakes his head. "Rules are going to be loose for a couple of days. Come on I'll take you guys up." He helps me to my feet. I turn and start waking the other two up, and after a couple minutes of grumbling we were on the way to the rooms.

We dropped off Thomas first, and then Nyx, before making our way to mine. When we got there, Apollo walked in after me, which confused me for a moment before I realized that I didn't really care.

"You did really well." Apollo says giving me a small smile. I nod thanks before walking into the bathroom. I needed a shower. Bad.

I had dried blood and sweat on every inch of my body. I took a shower, wrapped a towel around my waist and walked towards my closet, completely forgetting that Apollo was waiting for me. I only realized he was there when I walked back out after putting on some black boxer briefs and a white tee.

Apollo was standing there, his eyes wide, staring at me with a blush on his cheeks. Even though I was exhausted to my core I didn't miss the blush. I also didn't miss the slightly confused look in his eyes.

I smirk at him. "Apollo...are you gay?" I ask.

His shocked expression turns into a glare. "Of course not!" He growls.

I chuckle to myself before turning to climb under the covers of my bed. "Are you sure?" I ask once I was situated.

He frowns. "Yeah..."

"Really super sure?" I prod.

Apollo just frowns at me before turning to leave my room. "Goodnight Wren." He mumbles.

I frown. That was weird. I was almost certain he was gay. Maybe he just wasn't out about it, or didn't even realize. I turn over and close my eyes, sleep taking over quickly.


The next day, I had a late start. I woke up around 1 in the afternoon with aches and cramps everywhere. I groaned, struggling to my feet and limping to the bathroom. I sighed as I relieved myself before washing my hands a taking a peek at myself in the mirror.

I looked like absolute crap. My brown locks were sticking up everywhere and I had the nastiest looking eye bags ever. My neck had some dark purple bruises around it from where that man had strangled me.

I sighed. I was lucky enough to be alive. Would my family be proud of me? No...probably not. I had hurt people...killed people. I had tossed bodies into a pile like they were bags of rice or something.

I frown into the mirror, my reflection frowning back at me. I smooth my hair down with my fingers and then splash some water on my face.

Walking to my closet, I pull on some jeans and a hoodie before leaving my room. I was hungry so I was going to head down to the mess hall. I barely saw anyone as I walked downstairs, and there were very few people in there eating. Some people had food in front of them but were just staring off into space.

I pick up my food and go to sit at a table. I eat quietly, not really looking around, but someone sets their tray next to me before slumping into the seat.

"Hey." Any unfamiliar voice says. I look up to see two brown eyes peering down at me. I look at the boys face before grunting and going back to my food.

I hear him sigh. "I just wanted to talk to someone." He says sadly.

I look up at him again. He has brown hair and a sharp jaw. Not nearly as buff as Apollo, but still pretty attractive. I wonder if he was gay. I hadn't gotten off with another person in such a long time. I scold myself for thinking such slutty thoughts.

I nod. "Who's your mentor?" I ask.

He nods to a lady ordering her food. "Charlotte over there. The blond one." I look at the lady he was talking about. She was pretty small. I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover dude, she's pretty feisty." The guy laughs.

He holds his hand out and I shake it. "Oliver, but you can just call me Oli."

"Wren." I give him a small smile.

Oli reminded me of Nyx. A lot. Their energy and vibes were exactly the same.

"Who's your mentor?" Oli asks. "Apollo." I say, with a small shrug.

There's silence from Oliver before he slaps me on the back. "Damn! And you're still here? I'm fucking impressed bro." He grins. "Anyways, I'll see you around." He grins at me before standing and walking away.

I shake my head. What an interesting guy.