Selection (2)

The chattering atmosphere came to a stop. Footsteps echoed through the hall as a couple walked through the marble floors, lighting it up with each and every step. The male was handsome while his wife was gorgeous. Her beauty mark did justice to its name- adding to her beauty.

Despite being a Marquess house, the Belfords' impact on the audience was akin to that of the mighty Academy was for a single reason- 'the trouble at the North'. For a mysterious reason, the Belford house assembled their army and declared a war against its Western Marquessate neighbour- the Bradley family.

A civil war almost broke out in the Kingdom. If not for the direct interference from the Royal family, the Crimson house and the Ironcross house and indirect support from other powerful groups- tens of thousands of citizens would have died, causing utter chaos in the kingdom, weakening it in the process.