Royal Punishment *

The party went on until midnight. 

Evelyn greeted almost every nobles of the Kingdom. Major nobles from other kingdoms congratulated her. But the most esteemed of the guests would be the Royals from the other nations. Quite a few princes and princesses went through a relatively long journey just to meet the new Queen in person. Establishing relationships with the ruler of the main pillar of the Confederation would only bring in benefits.

The cunning kings and queens of those kingdoms sent their young heirs with ages close to that of the princess for a reason. Some confident kings even sent their crown princes to win the heart of the queen and rise all the way to the top of the Confederation. But alas, all they could get from Evelyn was only a glance, and a nod in response to their felicitations.

No matter how handsome, how powerful, how chivalrous, how cunning, and how noble blooded they were- could they compare to Adrian? Oh yes, forget chivalrous.