Forgiveness (2) *

"Aah!" Rosalyn gasped in surprise.

Adrian pulled her up and rested her back against the headboard, at the centre of it. He held both of her wrists and pressed them against the two corners of the wooden headboard. Her robes opened up again, revealing her alluring naked body.

Unlike before, she was trying to resist. She did not like where this was going. But alas, every bit of her resistance was futile.

Adrian turned to the innkeeper and nodded. She smiled in return and approached the bed. She cut off two pieces from the rope and tied both of Rosalyn's wrists to the wood. 

"What are you doing?!" Seeing no way out with her strength she began to circulate magical energy but-

Adrian looked into her eyes. Both of his abyssal black eyes glinted for a moment.

Rosalyn gasped. She would lose the ability to think whenever she tried to circulate magical energy.