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A caravan of verdant carriages, carrying the images of Griffins and Edgarwood tree, were being pulled by the strong senhorses of various colours. They were speeding through an empty highway. In the seventh of the eighth carriage- the odd one out with its emerald colour- sat a devilishly handsome young man and a valiant woman with hazel eyes.

"Have you sent the letter?" Adrian looked at the vice commander, Teresa Ignis.

"Yes. The Royal Mail Service itself is in charge. The embassy at Darkshore already dispatched a Griffin. It will not take more than two days for the letter to reach Northguard." She replied. Her voice was subservient but bold, befitting a high ranked military officer answering to her superior.

A smile appeared on Adrian's face as he looked into the lady's hazel eyes with his dark ones. "Looks like you guys were not idling while I sle- I mean met my family."