
Evelyn's face flinched, but she composed herself. It went past the sight of Jerin but Arwen raised her brows.

She smiled. 'Ah… youth.'

"He was 'busy' the entire night." Evelyn inwardly gritted her teeth. "So, he is resting."

"Oh." Jerin nodded in understanding.

"You should take rest too. After all, you had to travel for days." Evelyn turned to the middle aged secretary. "Show them to the guest room, and make sure to quench every one of their needs." 

The middle aged woman bowed and turned to the Royal guests. "Please." She said.

Jerin nodded at the secretary before turning to Evelyn. "Thank you for the hospitality." 

Both the mother and the daughter followed the middle aged woman to their rooms.

Evelyn rested her back on the throne and sighed. 'Just what was he up to?' But she was sure of one thing. The guests were not leaving unscathed.
