
Thirty minutes inside the sermon.

The bearded head priest, after a brief history, started to conduct a spiritual lecture. The man's frail but wise and smooth voice amplified the effects of the already deep messages.

Every one of the participants- be it the nobles above, most of whose motives were to make connections or the commoner below, many of whom had come just to fill their stomachs- listened to the loud words with utmost attention.

Almost everyone.

"Understood?" Adrian asked. His eyes were fixed on the lectern. There was a slight smile on his face.

His three companions nodded.

The sermon went on. Despite the nightfall, the hall was as bright as ever. The grand chandelier above and a dozen of well placed light magic circles were functioning properly.

But despite all those sources of light, it was… cold.

A lot of the poor commoners below, who barely covered their bodies with thin clothes, began to shiver.