Ariel Mountain Range (6)

Sorry guys. I have been extremely sick for the last few days. The winter has already come here and you know what that means- fever, coughs and a runny nose. Anyways, I am fine now, at least fine enough to type in a few words. 

Sorry again. Stay tuned! Enjoy!


The party sneaked across the narrow tunnels of the catacombs, their senses spread to the fullest. The probability of finding the prey here was quite low, but they had to take the chance.

They passed ten meters. Twenty meters. Fifty meters. They already crossed the halfway line of their predetermined limit, but there were no signs of presence of the python.

The members had inwardly given up, but they still kept their weapons high. After all, the python was known for its sneakiness.

Adrian and Irene, who were at the centre of the formation just behind Bron, had the most relaxed expressions in the party.

Sixty meters. Seventy meters. Eighty meters.