Death Zone Tin (2)

The cavern, unlike the tunnels the duo used to come here, was lit. Purplish light emitted from the nebula-like gems engraved in the walls and ceiling of the cave.

The floor of the cave was plain- unnaturally so, and so were the four walls. It was as if someone grinder the whole rough surface of the cave and made it as smooth as it looked now. On the whole hall sized cavern, there was nothing but two pieces of furniture- a bed made of stone, and a throne-like chair- which was also made of stone.

But the size of the bed and the chair made the whole hall look as if it were just a small room. They were huge.

The bed was empty. The chair, however, was occupied.

A gigantic man was sitting on it. His legs were as thick as giant hundred year old tress. His hands which were hanging from the front of the armrest were large enough to hold entire carriages in them. His shoulders were broad- broad enough to hold the entire sky from falling.