Chapter Eight: He's Love-Sick

A few days later, Keith was finally discharged but he still stayed at home to fully recover. He exaggerated his condition just so he can skip class and refrain from seeing Drake.

Kiara already found a job finally, so she couldn't take care of Keith. Kylie has a job too and she also has to look after her twins. So, his grandmother came to look after him.

She's stricter than his mother, so he can't touch the computer. Keith's phone was also confiscated. He can only join his grandma to watch clichéd soap operas on TV. He also played with his dogs outside with Kookie. But whenever her grandma notices how much he's playing instead of resting, he gets bombarded with nagging.

When he's bored, he's studying because he doesn't have much of any choice. He knew he'd feel depressed and sad when he let his mind wander about how he was rejected. At least, he wanted to look naturally okay in front of his grandmother's eyes. At night, he'd sleep as much as he wants so he can't have any moment to dwell on how hurt he was.

When Nick went to their house, he told him everything that happened. He wanted to wait until Keith opens up by himself but he has been waiting for weeks. And he can't get anything out of Drake too.

"Drake did not go to the tryout. He's been so quiet since that day. He didn't even touch his food during lunch. What's happening between the two of you? Why is your sister so angry with him?"

Keith didn't want to think about Drake but hearing it made him angry with Nick. "Why did you just say this to me now?"

"Oh. Come on. Whenever I was about to talk about Drake, you'd look as if you were about to cry. How can I say it? You two have been keeping me in the dark. Did you two argue?" Nick looked so exhausted with the two. He can sense the drama that he wanted to watch but the two were being secretive about it. It's torture for him.

Keith got worried. He's shy but he's still worried. "Can you let me borrow your phone? My grandma took mine. She kept saying that my phone made me sick."

Nick looked at him with probing eyes, "Are you two going to make up?"

Keith took his phone and then went inside his room. He locked his room even though it was not useful. Nick got called by grandma to eat something. And when she asked where is Keith, he backed him up that he was sleeping in his room. To buy time, he chatted with her and kept her entertained. She began to tell the adventure of wild Katherine, who left home to go to the US and came back after 15 years with a husband, 3 little girls, and a fetus. She narrated all her frustrations and how they all disappeared when she saw the byproducts of her daughter's adventure.

Meanwhile, Keith took deep breaths and calmed himself before sitting on his bed to call Drake. His heart was beating fast while the phone was ringing. He missed him so much. He still likes him just like before he got rejected. He still badly wanted to hear his voice.

Drake: "Hello?"

Drake's voice was a little raspy. It was a bit sexy but it made Keith worry.

Keith: "Drake…"

Drake recognized that voice. He looked at the name of the caller again. It was Nick but he knew it was Keith called him.

Drake: "Keith? Why are you calling? Is there something wrong?"

He asked in a usual sweet tone.

Keith: "Nick said you haven't been fine lately and my sister talked to you about something… Are you okay?"

Drake: "Huh? Yeah. I'm okay. You don't need to worry."

Keith: "How can I not worry? You even sound like you have a cold."

Drake: "How did you know?"

Keith: "Your voice… Your voice is not usually that sexy."

Drake laughed and then coughed. He remembered how comfortable and nice it feels to talk with Keith. And he missed this so badly.

Drake: "So, if I don't have a cold, my voice doesn't sound sexy?"

Keith: "Sort of… Have you eaten?"

Drake: "Dinner? Not yet."

Keith: "Then, eat. Eat as much as you can. Drink some cold medicine, afterward. Don't make your younger brother worry so much."

Then, Keith heard sniffles from the other line. The thought that Drake was crying hurt his heart again. It made him realize just how much he loves this person.

Keith: "Drake, why are you crying?"

Drake: "Why are you still so kind to me Keith?"

Keith: "Because you're important to me."

Keith said it as it is. He wanted to say "Because I love you", but he chose the words that will still convey his feelings in a way a friend could receive comfortably.

Keith: "I'm sorry for what my sister said to you."

Drake: "Don't be sorry. Everything she said was true. She did not say anything harsh to me."

Keith: "Drake…"

Drake: "Hmmm?"

Keith: "Take care of yourself, please. I might not be able to go back to school until next week. I don't want to see your handsome face turn into a disaster."

They both laughed lightly. Keith felt embarrassed thinking how he got flirty with him when he was already rejected.

Keith: "I'm going to rest now. Take care, okay?"

Keith finally wants to hang up.

Drake: "Hmm. Take care too. Don't tire yourself out. Make sure you get enough sleep. And, you're important to me too."

The call ended. Keith felt so dumb how his heart kept beating wildly again. Drake said "You're important to me too" but his lovesick heart felt like it was "I love you too".

Kookie rubbed his growing brown fluffy fur around Keith's foot. He carried the little pup and kissed it gently. He hugged it and let it on his bed. He petted the little pup transferring all the fluffiness in his heart to Kookie and Kookie loved how Keith cuddled him.

"Kookie, I don't think I can settle with just being his "younger brother" at all. Kookie, can you tell me what should I do?" He asked the little pup and Kookie just licked his finger and barked sharply.

"I like that idiot. I like him more than I like you." Kookie barked more and Keith felt like Kookie was getting mad. So, he gently pats his little head, "I'm just kidding. I love that son of a bitch while I have to give you away."

When he went downstairs, his grandma was talking about his mother's suitors before. He went straight into the kitchen, took some small Tupperware, and packed some side dishes there. He also heated the soup which he later put into his flask. He put it all in a tote bag and even put some oranges and an apple there.

"What are you doing?" His grandma asked. "Why is your face red? Are you sick?"

Keith smiled at another déjà vu which he hasn't heard in a while now. "I'm giving this to my friend. He's the one who's sick."

Then, he pulled Nick. He handed the bag to him and even gave him some money. He whispered before he shooed him out of the house. "Buy some cold and fever medicines, and then go to Drake's place. Give this to him and make sure he's feeling well. If he's sick like he's dying, if there's no one at his house, stay and take care of him. If he has a family to take care of him, just make sure he eats this and drinks his medicine. Okay?"

"You didn't know? He's living alone." Nick also whispered.

"Oh, then fucking take care of him."

"Okay. I got you!" Nick said and left. He's a little dumb but there have been so many hints… He finally had an idea of what was going on.

When he got to Drake's place, he indeed has a cold but not like Keith imagined. He was waiting for food delivery at that time when Nick pressed the doorbell. When he opened the door, Nick smiled at him obliviously. They went into the kitchen and put the bag along with the medicines he just bought on the counter table.

"Keith looked so worried, you know. He prepared all this because he's thinking that you might be dying from cold. He even told me to stay and take care of you." He was laughing while unloading the Tupperware. When he looked at Drake, he wasn't sure if it was because he was sick but he was even redder than Keith before.

"You're the person Keith is in love with, right?"

Drake got even redder.

"You're also in love with him, right?"

This time even Nick got red. How can his friends fall in love with each other and act this cute while being annoying at the same time?