Chapter Ten: He's Really Spoiled

When Keith went back to school, his teachers expressed their concern for him. Mr. Li was the most emotional. After all, he suffered a lot of guilt and nagged when Keith was brought to the hospital.

Keith endured the drama in the Teachers' office before going to their classroom. He was greeted by a few male classmates. Even Darryl kindly asked if he was feeling well now, which was odd.

"My cousin also had appendix rupture… A person can live without an appendix, but you have to watch your diet from now on so you won't have problems with your digestion." Darryl also added. Of course, Keith knew better about this, but he forced a smile so he could dismiss him already.

"Yeah, sure."

"Trisha agreed to be a class representative." He also informed him as he followed Keith to his desk.

'Why is he being so sticky? What's wrong with this dumbass?'... Keith wondered.

"Okay." Keith reluctantly replied.

"You were absent for two weeks. If you have problems, you can approach me." Darryl's genuine and kind eyes can be seen through his glasses, and the tips of his ears become pink.

On the other hand, Keith was not interested in continuing this weird interaction. So he fished out his phone out of his pockets and began to pour his attention to it as he said, "I don't need your help, but thanks."

As soon as Darryl left and went to his seat, he opened Line and went to his and Drake's chatbox. Drake just sent a heart sticker. He smiled, and the weariness in his heart disappeared. So, he also sent a heart sticker.

Keith: Class is starting soon. Where are you? <3

Then, Drake sent a selfie. He just woke up, and he was cutely rubbing the edge of his eyes. His smile looked a bit dumb, but he was still so adorable. This image was immediately saved to Keith's phone, of course.

Keith: Morning! [cute sticker]

Suddenly, he heard Drake's gentle voice. "Morning!"

Keith looked at Drake, who just sat next to him. He smiled in an instant showing his pearly white teeth and deep dimples. "I thought you just woke up."

"How can I sleep in when I want to see my boyfriend as soon as possible?" Drake whispered and smiled back at him. Keith blushed and scoffed at him for being flirty so early in the morning.

"Liar. You didn't reply to me last night."

Drake wanted to kiss him to comfort his sulking baby, but he only pinched his cheek since they were in the classroom. "Sorry about that… I was in Taipei, and I had to do something."

Keith wanted to let Drake pinch him, but it hurt, so he pulled his hand away and held it under his desk. "What did you do there?" He asked.

Drake somewhat pouted… "You did not look at my posts, did you?"


Considering that Keith was grounded for two weeks, Drake showed his posts on his phone to him. He was tagged on a post by a modeling agency announcing their collaboration with Drake and three other models for a project. In another post, Drake was also tagged by the clothing line designer. After that, there were a series of selfies posted.

"A friend asked me to do a photoshoot." Drake smiled proudly at him.

Keith was shocked. He understood that Drake was famous, but he didn't realize the scope of his popularity. On the other hand, looking at his photos made him happy. "He looked so hot in those bohemian clothes," Keith thought.

"So, you're like a model now?" Keith asked him as he looked at Drake's proud eyes.

"Well, I'm having offers from that modeling agency, but I'm still thinking about it…."

"Are you thinking it might affect your studies?" Keith asked and added in his mind… 'though you don't study at all.'

"Nah, it's my parent's consent. I need it… I'm still a minor, after all."

Drake still looked the same. His smiles did not disappear, but he appeared somewhat distant to Keith. It felt ironic to feel such distance when Drake has just started to talk about himself. Keith wanted to ask further about it, but Nick, Jude, and Rocky loudly circled them. They hugged Keith and acted clingily.

"Keith, we're not very close, but you should speak if you don't feel well! You scared us there, you know!" Jude directly told him as soon as Keith pushed them away.

"Yeah, sure."

"Oh! Manager Luo kept bothering me to apologize to you. Is it true that you almost died because of her energy drink?" Rocky simply asked.

"It's not because of that. Tell the manager that there's no need to apologize. Really…" Keith remembered how lame he acted that day, blaming the orange-flavored energy drink when he owed it for giving him the chance to have an indirect kiss with Drake.

"You should comfort her, Rocky, so you can score some points and bring home a girlfriend after club practice!" Nick pushed Rocky since there have been rumors that he and the manager have been coying each other these past few days. Nick felt proud after playing matchmaker between Keith and Drake, so now he's addicted to it, and somehow he's moved on to his next target.

"But isn't she Drake's type? Why do you think I want her to be my girlfriend?" Rocky was genuinely not interested and pushed Drake to carry the pressure Nick imposed on him.

"That won't do. Drake's already taken, and he's seriously madly in love this time!!!!" Nick annoyingly teased his friend since he had been itching about gossiping about him.

The people who were listening to them had their ears perked up. Some people fished out their phones to spread the news while Keith sent Nick a message: "Shut your mouth! Don't expose us!!!"

"He's in love too? So, in our group, Keith and Drake are in love?" Rocky asked… Somehow, he asked it in a way that suggests that Drake and Keith are in love with each other. He innocently asked and did not mean to implicate both of them.

"I'm not in love, the fuck! That's an old rumor! I'm going to kill Kiara if you insist on that rumor she made about me." Keith got nervous and immediately reacted.

Drake looked at him. He understood that their relationship should be kept a secret, so he backed Keith up. "Nick's repeating some nonsense. Don't believe whatever he says. Who knows, it could be him who is madly in love?" he jokingly said.

"Me? In love? Bullshit!" Nick rolled his eyes. God knows he wanted that too, but he believed that he might be a late bloomer and he prefers becoming a matchmaker now.

"If Drake and Rocky don't like Lindsay, let me do it. I'm willing and happy to sacrifice myself! I'll comfort her in every way I can! I volunteer on behalf of you guys" Jude generously stepped up, only to find out later that Lindsay had better options.

Class began and the two at the back settled for glances and whispering. They did not talk about Drake's parents or how they denied that they were in love. Nick felt sorry and apologetically sent them a message privately.

During lunch, they talked about Drake's first modeling experience. Jude's eyes were filled with jealousy. Rocky was simply amazed. While Nick was conflicted with joy and envy as they heard Drake proudly tell stories about the photoshoot filtered with grandiosity. Keith silently listened to Drake, observing his enthusiasm while watching every expression on his face.

"…Then, sister Jenny told me she'd recommend me to another gig… I'm not sure about it, though. Because it's for men's underwear brand."

They laughed and teased him about going for it. Then Drake looked at Keith, who was already imagining him wearing a sexy black brief. He had held little Drake, and he knew that it's homologous to an anaconda. It made him blush, and he chuckled when Drake looked at him.

"Do you want me to go for it?" Drake shamelessly asked.

"Fuck. Go if you want." Keith blushed and snorted at him.

Only Nick felt how annoying and sticky they were when he remembered Keith opening Drake's pants in his room just a few days ago. They needed to get a space, so he pulled Jude and Rocky to their classroom to play mobile games for the remaining time left on their noon break.

Then, Drake pulled Keith to jump over the fence behind the school gym.

"Where are we going?" Keith excitedly asked.

"I bought dog foods and clothes for Kookie. It's at my place…." Drake answered as they walked through the streets.

"Are you taking me to your place?" Keith can't help but laugh happily.

Kookie is not a fancy dog, he's pretty in Keith's eyes, but other people wouldn't want a stray to be their pet. So the idea of Kookie wearing a dress was needlessly extra.

As Keith looked at his man's back, he wanted nothing more than to hold hands with him right now, but there were people around.

"Later, after school, do you want to go with me?" Drake asked as he pulled Keith's hand and dragged him for a run.

"Sure!!! Wait! Then where are you taking me now?"

It was just a short run… but it felt like the world was rotating slowly for Keith! His heart thumps synced with their running pace, but his heartbeats were still fast when they slowed down.

They stopped at a commercial building. The first floor is an internet café, and they walked past it through the stairs. They passed through the second floor, a sports gym, and then they stopped on the third floor. It was an open rooftop. There was a small rooftop house, and the other left space became a homey yard. Many plants are sunbathing as they happily photosynthesize. There were clothes and blankets hung to sundry. True to the noontime sun, this place felt warm.

"Don't tell me it's one of your places?" Keith asked, expecting it is his place considering that he was rich like the rumors said.

"No. It's my friend's place. He's in Hong Kong right now, and he told me to watch the place for him."

"Then why are their clothes hanging?"

"He has his housekeeper. He's meticulous about drying his clothes." He answered as he took the key under the cactus pot and opened the door.

As soon as the door was shut, before Keith could appreciate the place's interior, he was wrapped in Drake's tight hug. Drake rested his chin on his shoulder for a few minutes and stayed like that.

"Keith…" Drake gently called out his name.

"Hmmm? What?" Keith chuckled… It felt like he was being hugged by a big dog wanting to be spoiled.

"I realized I've kissed you a lot before without telling you how much I like you."

Keith's heart was on the verge of exploding. He's speechless… He let Drake speak out what he wanted to say, feeling that every word coming from him was like arrows hitting his heart.

"I think I want to go for modeling. I want to earn money. I want to become someone you can proudly like… someone who deserves you." Drake's tone was low and very sweet.

Keith was somewhat shocked… He always thought that Drake's arrogant and very narcissistic, but the Drake he's hugging now looked like someone who has an inferiority complex. Keith, of course, wanted to see all sides that Drake has but seeing him like this hurt him.

Keith hugged him tightly, "Hmm. Do what you like. Earn as much money as you can make. But please, remember that you don't have to do anything to prove that you deserve someone like me."

They chuckled. As soon as the hug lightened up and Drake faced his boyfriend. Keith immediately tiptoed and planted a warm kiss on his lips. The smack sounded louder than their heartbeats.

"I like you." Drake finally confessed.

"I like you more!" Keith coquettishly replied. He was waiting for Drake to kiss and devour him as wild as possible, but Drake only held his hand and took him to the kitchen.

"My friend has a lot of desserts left in his fridge. Take it with you and share them with auntie and uncle. I think Theo and Rio will like them too." Then they stood in front of the fridge as Drake brought out big Tupperware from the cupboards. Not ordinary Tupperware, but those Tupperware that his mother wanted to treasure more than Kiara.

Keith watched Drake put the cake slices one by one. Then he sealed it all with the stylish transparent lid. It was packed so neatly it could be guaranteed that no ants could detect that there were sweets inside. Then Drake loaded four Tupperware inside two colorful paper bags.

"Eat them, okay?! You lost so much weight. It's stressing me out." Drake teased him after doing the task.

Keith doesn't like sweets. The kind of treat he wants to eat is named Drake! But Drake looked like he had become an herbivore.

"My sister said that my figure now is ideal since I was a bit fat before." Keith sulked and hugged him. Now he had no choice but to be proactive.

"But you lost so much weight." Drake hugged him back.

"You know, you don't have to fatten me up so you can eat me!" Keith shamelessly promoted how desperate he had become.

He looked at Drake, hoping the other already got the message, but Drake just stared at him, laughing at what he just said. His shamelessness evaporated, and he reddened with embarrassment.

"Fuck! Can you stop laughing?" Keith pouted.

As soon as Drake calmed down, he smiled at his boyfriend. "You're spoiled."

"If you don't want to, then fucking don't" Keith let go and wanted to get away from him to bury his face somewhere, but Drake held him tighter and kissed him to his heart's content.

Keith read a lot of smut and studied the techniques shared there. He kissed Drake with bookish confidence. They smacked and bit each other's lips, then tasted their saliva… Sure enough, they had the same lunch. They were so engrossed in kissing that they forgot the time until Keith's phone rang. They wanted to ignore it and keep going, but the loud ring continued when they heard it.

Drake accepted the call for him when he saw that it was Nick.

"Where are you? The class has already started. Shouldn't you be here already?" Nick excused himself and went to the restroom to make the call. He knew the two were probably making out somewhere in the school again. Nick kept messaging them, but no one replied. He even went as far as going through each empty classroom to check where they were, but he found nothing but annoyance.

"Oh… Then, we're going back to school right away." Drake replied and hung up on the phone. Nick felt frustrated at the energy he wasted on finding them as it turns out they left the school to make out!

They came back and made an excuse that they had to pick up the desserts, but their brightly colored lips made Nick more irritated. They sat and behaved appropriately. To coo Nick, Keith promised him two pieces of chocolate roll cake.