
The collection process was very serious and exhaustive. He very much wanted to just be able to go without doing this type of labour, which he was not an expert in, but he had to continue doing it. The process got much easier after he accepted that and his speed also increased a lot after the 13th and then 40th.

After the last thing he collected, he just tried to rest his mind for a little. To just to collect from all the few hundred of them, it had taken him quite a few hours. It was convenient that he could see on the map where the enemies that he killed were. He opened his system, and it showed screen that the total amount of collected crystal was 418. Allen did not know their exact price, but considering that there were so many, he was expecting to get quite an amount of money.

Allen went back to submit his mission and, as proof, he had to submit at least 100 crystal; he submitted the mission and he received quite a few number coins; he did not know the exact price but considering that coins are usually just used as change...

The system said

"Selling additional crystals at 20% extra price for up to 200, 40% extra price for up to 300 80% more for up to 400, and even more for above 400"

All of that had mounted to those coins, which he could grab in his hand. He gripped them and he could feel some amount of his experience getting filled up. In fact, his level ended up jumping to 4 from previous 2 and some 80%. Looking at the conversion rate, he, after a moment of the price, went into a bit of stress. Considering that these things could increase his level so much in so little of time, all the while he had to go to the monster Den and get the experience and kill about 400 monsters (rats) just to get only 180% experience...

The system might have sensed his frustration, a prompt came:

"To prevent the abuse of the leveling system and excessive grinding, the experience level has been set up such that head of so that anything less than 50% in power than you give exponentially less amount of periods for every 5% that they are less than you in power."

Not timely information but it was a good helping tip for him. Allen asked the system, "are you able to do experience calculations for me?"

What do you mean? kindly clarify further. I mean that imagine I see a monster and want to know how much i would need to kill it to get my experiences level up and so on.

That is not so big of a deal. However, the in-game privileges can only be got by doing specific tasks or getting some merits, this description will be more thoroughly had when you graduate from being a trainee recruit and get your official rank in the city.

"This was a city? With a jungle and no people in sight?"

"…Do you think we would fill the testing area with people that have come for sightseeing. Not a very smart thing to analyze" Kindly update your thinking skills was what he could sense the system saying.

It quite surprised Allen, the level of interaction or criticism that the AI system could do. This may be quite helpful in gathering data in the game. It may also be possible to get this version of AI in the real world. The real world had AI systems, but this was more specialized for this type of stuff. And the world needed this kind of thing right now, it would need some type for the destroyed to be salvaged by the military and other researchers, so it was not an urgent information to deliver. Just something that he would include in a report level stuff. By the way, he would need to go submit a report after this… a report on how well he played the game…

He had to do some more missions for now. The performance thing and reporting he could leave for later, he could not control the end outcome of how the military was going to like things. All three could do was do what he could do best, play the game in an interesting and focused way.

He forgot where the location of the bulletin board was though, considering that he had an AI, he asked it to just show him the missions available right here, but it responded

"Higher-level authorization is needed to do this." this game had some annoying aspects also…well, it might come in handy in the future, that was what made him more hopeful and optimistic about this system.

He went to the same spot that the map showed him and quickly took the three missions that had been left in the proximity, no one else had taken them, probably just as the system had said, the area was cleared of any players and NPCs and they would probably appear only after what his system had called, the official ranking had been awarded to him. Then only might he be able to form a party with everyone else? This was a point that he had in considering all this while. being solo was good they had to go together. Allen had some brilliant plans in mind when they would be gathered together.

All three missions could be accepted simultaneously. Allen had to go around the area to clear all of them. The rabbits type creatures with their speed, the bear type creatures with their strength, and the insect type creatures with their numbers had impressed him significantly. And some had given him a good amount of thrashing before he could clear them too. He could clear them thanks to the fact that his level increased. It probably worked as a boost factor he had killed the whole rat nest and gotten to level 4 before accepting the other missions. He kind of lucked out. The thrashing would have been much worse if he had accepted the bear ones as the first to attack. Their strength was something that was terrifying to behold anytime. He might just make one of them as his pet if the game allowed him to do so, in his leisure time, of course, meaning an all-time of his life minus the time spent with the military from now on.

He even forgot about how much time had passed. The desire of completing the missions had made him very focused. He spent all of his energy except some small rest time on thinking of how to be accomplish this thing, especially the last portion where he had to face the bears was very stressful. He killed almost 32 while the mission had required only around 8. The crystals that he received after some more manual torture, which he somewhat skimped on, were on the rabbit side, considering that they were around a hundred.

The AI said that "The total amount of experience lost from not extracting crystals today equals 23% of lvl6."

Well, Allen kind of knew that it was not a small number of experience points. Now he had the confirmation. But he did not have so much energy to kill them with strategy first, then have to spend time on extracting their crystals too.

\Allen asked," When will the auto extraction feature unlock"

To which the ai replied," There is no such feature. However, there are tools in the game designed for that kind of purpose"

"What are they?"

"That is classified information for now"

Allen did not mind. They were as good as his. The moment he was going to get some time extra from this, he was going to wreck all such places which could net him this feature.

Allen went to go for his second evaluation, while still trying to make more sense of this map feature.