
Tim remembered why he was so sleepy and he did not want to tell, so he just made a zipping gesture on his mouth, indicating that he was not going to talk.

Allen made the team log in, go to the same bulletin board but this time together, and with NPCs going around, doing their business. He still did not understand what was the case with the initial and second evaluation, what was his personal library, and where, among other things. The AI did try to explain some things but well, he just had simulations play, simulations to play going repeatedly in his mind, so that was splendidly ignored.

Allen wanted to focus on getting the team to become capable enough that they could co-ordinate for now. Their synergy needed to be better, considering that the military soldiers were going to have good teamwork.

This made him think again why the military soldiers were not playing, because they were outside, and they could not gather data as well as them. It would work as a fine VR training program for them, that was something to keep in mind for the future.

Allen and Yushin picked a mission and then Allen accepted it for the team. It was a little far away but they were able to use some kind of in-game devices to be able to go there faster, using just a little amount of coin that they had on their hands. The devices would probably come in handy in the future too, it was a good investment.

It was a monster den, the place that they had picked. Some kind of crawling creatures and some kind of moving creatures with pickaxes in their hands were strolling around. There was much more in this area. It was a good sampling of flying creatures and land creatures as well as sea creatures.

It would be a good training ground for the next few days, in addition to the modes they were going to play. Allen was constantly remembering why they were doing this, so he just focused on the game.

They had levels ranging from 4 to 7 with some among them having levels of 8 or 9 in the mix. Here and there, some were lvl ten too. Possibly boss-type monsters of this area.

They carefully tried to single out the level 4 and level 5s. They found it was pretty easy to kill them as a team. Or maybe 8 people ganging up on a single monster was not really a fair thing in the system's regard, so it didn't consider that. Allen was already level 6 and he did not use the majority of the coins till now, except a little bit for the device they used to get here so fast. He found that the prices were quite okay, some things even seemed very cheap.

He thought 'It was a beginner's package that the system gave them hundreds of monsters of the same type to play with."

He did not how many coins the others had used, he could see their levels, however. Everyone's average came out to be LVL 5. Allen was 6, probably due to him killing more than 400 rat-type creatures and using all their coins. Most others were level 5, probably having used only a small amount of coins already. Only Tim was level 4…for some strange reason.

It would not be a good thing to complain about the leveling speed of others normally, due to luck and some other factor,…but he had spent 2-3 more hours in the game than the others

Allen tried to make him slip a little bit, again, but no result.

'He avoided the topic before too, he is not going to answer on further questioning.

After some hours of party experience, Allen also wanted everyone to gauge the individual abilities of everyone else. The levels were the same so they could not really tell much. Well, maybe they do tell a little bit….Allen looked at Tim and Tim maybe got the message, he raised his eyebrows in exasperation.

Allen would move a little bit here and there to ask about how they used the coins. Most of them used it in the same way as he did. A few of them had also bought a little something from the store they just came from. Everyone only had a little number of coins with them. With few exceptions, one or two among the new ones did not use much of them for example. One even wanted to hand some of his coins to him…He was not asking for collection purposes though.

' It is porbbaly creating a misunderstadning among them. They do not know me as well. It will take time

After about three and half hours had passed in-game, and only a little bit of time was left until the time that the researchers had given him. Allen asked everyone to gather together.

"Everyone, come closer to here. I have something to share"

After a few seconds everyone arrived, the area they explored was very limited.

"The coins that you earned are yours to use. It would be better just that if you tell me how you used it and what better ways you could find to use them. There are no helpful instruction manuals or anything else. Just the basic system one. So, we will have to gather the information ourselves. If this policy is to be changed somehow in the future, I am sure you will find the reason behind it satisfactory and I would also not be one to stay back from giving what I can"

'Well, that should do it' Allen still would look at Tim now and then though.

Very soon, at just the right time. They got an invitation to go to an area. Allen took it and they were at some kind of broken-up place where the creatures were walking around everywhere. The simulation was not that perfect, with much of the abilities of the creature still unknown.

' We can still do pretty well with what we have for now.' Allen looked at the creatures, analyzing them.

Allen and others were spotted immediately, considering that they were in enemy territory. Some kind of siren was made and all the creatures went on alert. For some reason, the system had assigned some levels to the creatures, which was a pretty interesting thing. After they downed a level 2 creature, they even got some experience and the experience gained although small was still more than what they would get out of just beating a monster from the game.

'The game probably intended to use this feature to give incentives to the new players to bring their own modes in the game for the game expansion. A good idea. People could have probably sold the areas with a higher rate of experience rewards and it could make a good game economy.'

Allen was still thinking about the ranking and sorts, very difficult to curb those thoughts. Probably the case for Tim and Yushin too. The base had teams of the creatures, multiple types of creatures co-existed in one base, some were being used as mounts for some others.

' The maximum level we see is lvl3, not a very good thing. The system had assigned a power level of 1 to them when they first arrived.

Level 3 would not even show his proper abilities in real life. '

So this ranking system although was being used by the military too was very defective and could not be trusted.

in the game though, the creatures were easily beaten down even in groups, they were up against a team of average level 5. The creatures were trying to use all their power when fighting precisely for this reason. The level 3 was more of a commander-type beast, Allen singled him out and in a few attacks with his trusty hand-made sharpened stick slashed him down.

They, unfortunately, could not afford the guns sold in the game, for now. The moment the creature died, the other monster became sort of weak and teams scattered. Some of them were even hostile towards each other.

When they attacked each other, Allen stood there particularly shocked'What are they doing when they are fighting some outsider?'

They were probably enemies or some other thing by default, that was the only thing that could be attributed to this strange behavior.

The base had a total of 78 creatures, which they got to know after the system had told them that the base was cleared. And showed the location of the dead bodies of the creatures.

The system said that mode creatures are given crystals with bonus coins.

Allen looked at them, one by one, and then said" Let's collect, for now. We will distribute equally later"

Allen used the invite a few more times, he wanted to do it a total of 8-10 times today, within 8 hours. And maintain a few hours in the monster area, then a few hours in the mode function. The pace they started with was good. The invitation would also change from time to time and some other bases would be shown, or maybe the same bases but with more updated information.

Which made him think 'They have to still fight these things in real life aren't they?"

After clearing 4 bases, Allen made the others take some rest by going to real life. He took a brief rest too, not a mental rest though. The brain was still in full thinking mode, imagining all the results and things they could improve on.

'The average level is now 7, Tim is still on 6 though. We should probably not use the coins to level up anymore. This level is enough, any more and the results would probably degrade.'

After taking the invite link again, Allen looked at the team, which was still going on with all of them still not knowing enough about each other.

'That is fine too, all that matters is-" And there was a sudden sharp siren sound. They went on position and for some reason, this base seemed a little bit different as compared to others. The update this time seemed to be very good...