Episode 7 : Culture Festival ( part 1 )

**Everyone is preparing for it. The day which was fated by god's to humans, everyone of them started picking up swords and wearing armour. Eyes with blazing fire and with fear, fear that they will messed up stage performance...**

Arcane annoyingly "Ahh, why drama? This is so boring. no one here is star then why we end up with this, who suggested this crap idea that we should do drama on school culture festival?.... It was better to make a game stall or even better to just help others like we did last year"

**Everyone started starring him angrily because there was the only one class last year which haven't done any activity in last culture festival which was lead by Arcane ( as class representative )**

[ SFX - star used as actor/actress ]

A guy who is wearing clothes of prince named Izumi Whispered in his ears "It was your girl."

[ SFX - Here girl is used as crush not as girlfriend [sed :/ arcane was even single in middle school ]

**Arcane got embarassed and kicked izumi for that, izumi fell down from the chair than everyone around started to hoot "fight... Yea fight-fight" Coincidentally at that time chino came to see izumi, Chino was dressed as princess because they ( class2-B ) were performing classic drama originally written by them. Yagami Izumi which was class representative and best friend of Yusuke Arcane. Whole class together decided the characters and so Izumi was choosed as prince and Arcane was loyal guard of Izumi kun**

Chino politely "Izumi kun are you fine? Did you hurt somewhere?"

**That made Arcane feel jealous and he was also angry in himself because she cares about everyone equally and unconditionally but Arcane wants to become something special to her**

Izumi replied "I-I am fine."

Arcane Interrupting in between "Yes he hurt his head, when he was born"

Chino laughed "jeez, dummy! You can't stay quite for a minute?"

**Arcane was embarassed too look straight to her face and when he saw in her eyes Chino started to blush and she turned around. Then Izumi jumped on Arcane to take his revenge from earlier, where everyone started to gather on the entrance it was a moment when the witch of drama arrived. No one could remove eyes from her and she suddenly become the centre of attraction"

The witch named Nobuko asked "Ni-san ( older brother ), don't fight. We have a performance in 10 mins."

**Arcane and Izumi saw Nobuko and they stopped fighting, they took a moment and look her properly then they suddenly started laughing over her. Nobuko which was good witch in drama was dressed like a neko ( cat girl ), a combination of neko and witch they couldn't stop laughing after seeing her dress like that**

"why are you both laughing, am I looking that funny? Chino..." Nobuko asked cryingly

**Chino was trying to not laugh but couldn't control herself and now everyone started to laugh, It was time to perish and enjoy. Days which can't come back, Days which they live fullest, Days which opens path of being adult, Days which were treasure to them, Days when they all were happy. But nothing stayed for enteral long, none of them thought that there good days will end on there best day**

• Nobuko and Izumi

Nobuko and Izumi are close cousins which were born on the same hospital within a gap of 2 day, where Izumi is older. Izumi and Nobuko had lived together with Izumi after losing her parents at very early age, they are best friends of chino and arcane coincidentally all 4 being in same elementary and mid high school.

Nobuko and Izumi Shifted to Tokyo after completing middle school for higher studies, they were only ones which know what actually happened on the last day of culture festival.

**After ending there stage performance for day1 Izumi and Arcane were assigned with the duty of cleaning the used room**

"I am tired, why are we doing this alone? We both always gets most of the work." Arcane asked

Izumi replied "Well I am class representative so I have to deal with the most work."

Arcane annoyingly "Huh! So why you tagged me along and why don't you ask others to help us? You are even famous between girls then why don't you get a girlfriend .... Atleast I will be free from loser like you."

Izumi giggled "Yeah, you are right I should get a girlfriend...should I ask chino?"

Arcane angrily "You...."

Izumi replied "Then why don't you confess her? Are you still scared?"

**Arcane took a time then he nodded and after that went to near window, watching other people going home**

**Izumi sighed on Arcane for being such a chicken**

Arcane annoyingly "Ahh! Don't sigh me... I will soon confess her."

"Then let's finish this work and get something to eat from cafeteria." Izumi said

Arcane replied "I will go home as I finish this work and I am not hungry... I am just tired, so I need to sleep"

"Chino asked everyone to wait. She wants to discuss something about the changed schedule." Izumi smirked

**Arcane and everyone was sitting in cafeteria waiting for Chino and Nobuko, Izumi continued staring Arcane and smiling which was making Arcane pissed. When Arcane was going to hit him then suddenly Nobuko and Chino arrived to cafeteria, Chino looks worried about something and Nobuko was trying to cheer her**

Izumi asked "chino....what's with this lose mood?"

Chino fumbled "I-Izumi kun .....Nothing, I am just tired"

Nobuko denied and said the truth "No, Actually our culture festival got shortened this year..."

**It was a suprise for whole class, they didn't understand what does Nobuko meant by shortened and started asking different questions from chino and Nobuko "what ? Shorten why did that happened ?" Arcane slams the table near him, which makes everyone quite**

Arcane angrily "Let them speak, don't get panicked guys!...Nobuko, chino tell from start."

Nobuko replied "All the Activity heads where called by student council..... To tell that they are gonna cancel half of the class activities for culture festival."

Izumi asked "Half?"

Nobuko in disappointment said "This year, half of the school building will be used for political reasons on our last 2 days of culture festival ... So student council came with 2 solutions, To reduce half of the culture activities or To Complete culture festival in 3 days."

Arcane angrily "That's absurd. Both the solutions are useless and won't work, it will just cause to destroy Festival. Even Most of the activity heads will not agree to keep this culture festival for 3 days, which meant the some of activities are gonna reduce .

Nobuko said "Yes, atlast they decided to reduce activities .... And all 2nd year culture activities are cancelled."

"Which meant we can't perform our special drama. Crap we all worked hard for it, especially all writing and sewing team." Izumi said to chino

**Arcane remembered that Chino rewrite the drama script for 4 times to make it perfect , she doesn't sleep for days to help other members**

Arcane asked "Can't we perform that drama on 3rd day?"

Nobuko asked "But the stage preparation within 1 day? and even some costumes are not ready yet."

"We can stay here on night to prepare for it, If we work together we can do it." Arcane keep thinking that how hard chino worked to make this best culture festival for the class

"Leave it...It's impossible." Izumi replied

Arcane desperately "No it isn't. We can all pull it off, we can't let our hard work go waste like this we can do it. Let's try it, we can all go and ask for help from student council too... We should atleast...."

**Chino suddenly grabbed Arcane's hand and smiled**

"Arcane. Arigato ( Thank you ) for trying but that's Impossible."