
The next cycle, the two sergeants came into the bunk to shock all the cadets awake, as was mandatory. They were completely surprised to see Eva and Chengli tidying up their spaces, while already dressed and ready.

But that didn't stop the sergeants from flashing the lights and sounding an airhorn.

"Get up, cadets!" they yelled. "It's time for your daily run! You got one hundred seconds to gear up. Let's go!"

Many of them grumbled as they woke, but still suited up rather quickly. Luckily they only had to go on a run for an hour rather than last cycle's two. Many still stumbled, but they persevered to the end.

At the end, they took a very quick shower then switched into their flightsuits and grabbed their pressurized flight helmets. They then headed towards the hangar bays, eager to get some good training in.