Lessons Learned

During the last few cycles that remained of their time at the academy, the surviving cadets helped try to put the training yard back to the way it was before.

With everyone pitching in, from the sergeants to Commander Riddell himself, things more or less got back to normal. At least, on the surface.

They rounded up all of the drones and put them back into storage, though they tightened down their security and locked down their CPUs as extra added measures.

They certainly didn't want this to happen again.

All of the debris and wreckage were swept away, melted down, and reprinted. Much of their materials were used to repair the yard itself, though even they weren't nearly enough for everything.

The two siblings had done billions of credits worth of damage to the yard. Buildings had been torn down to the ground and reduced to little more than piles of dust and stone and metal.