Spies and Stalkers

Miko dropped two more amplifiers into her shielded pocket and snapped it shut. Though there were more out there, she decided that three was enough for now. She couldn’t wait to get back and dismantle them.

But there was something else she needed to do.

One other thing that had started to seriously bug her was Commander Chase. She noticed that he seemed to get progressively more obsessive with Eva, even if she didn’t realize it herself.

It came down to a few of his words and actions. If he was addressing any of the pilots, most of his time would be spent talking directly to Eva. Or if he was monitoring their vitals for the Admiral, he paid more attention to Eva’s statistics more than anyone else’s.

And there was that moment when Miko caught the commander leering at Eva when she wasn’t looking. It had only happened for a few moments, but during that time, he seemed… predatory.