Staying Sharp

Over the course of a few cycles, a number of them had formed up into small skirmishing groups of eight people each. Though they had other duties to attend to, they made sure to spend at least a couple of hours practicing their hand to hand combat tactics with each other.

Every single one of them went through basic, which imparted martial training and knowledge, but only on a one-on-one basis. But reality wasn’t like that.

Perhaps they would have to deal with larger groups, or stronger individuals. Either way, they all needed to learn how to better handle these kinds of fights.

“Even if this is a great big waste of time (and I hope it isn’t),” said Eva, “what the hell else are we gonna do?”

Eva had proposed that they do uneven group skirmishing - each of the groups of eight would further split into two uneven groups. Three versus five, two versus six. That sort of thing.