Divided by Shadow

Back on Helios, the other five Ravens sat in a beautiful artificial sun-lit room and chatted lightly with each other. They were seated on two semi-circular couches that were facing each other, and with a low table in between.

Except, one spot was empty.

Amal stared at it listlessly as the others talked about their future, and where they were headed.

“Are you absolutely sure no-one can eavesdrop on us here?” asked Claire. “Been extra paranoid since that Lucifer person told us that the Peacekeepers were surveilling us. And I know what kind of equipment they’re likely using.”

“I am 99% certain,” replied Miko. “My drones have swept through everything.”

“You said they found a bunch of devices, right?”

Miko nodded a single nod.

“Hai,” she said. “Over one hundred separate surveillance devices. A few are nanoscopic in nature, and virtually impossible to detect without special equipment.”