The Allure of Gold, Pt 2

All of Eris’ words shook the Ravens to their core. Here was one of the most powerful women in the galaxy - her fleet was proof of that. Xylo estimated, just from what she had seen, that it could easily go toe-to-toe with any of the main Federation battle fleets. The firepower in the space around them was something she had only read about in fleet manuals.

And who knew what else she had out there. In no way did she believe this was the entirety of Eris’ fleet.

People that powerful never let the majority of their assets sit idle.

The words tumbled all around Eva’s head. She found much of it to be appealing, honestly. Having the backing of someone that ruthless and that influential and that powerful would definitely help keep her on her feet.

It would help keep them alive and well and fed. And maybe even happy.