Reclamation Overdue, Pt 1

Planet UltraKeep Alpha, Sol Security Services Megacorporate System, Federal Inner Sector

The small, frigate-sized cargo transport flashed near the planet’s primary teleport beacon with little fanfare. It joined the numerous other transport cargo ships floating in the space around them, most of which were many times larger.

A grim-looking pilot and copilot pair sat in their seats on the bridge, and waited patiently while the beacon’s security fleet scanned their cargo. It only took a few scant minutes for the drones to complete their work, at which point a bored-looking security officer flashed on their comms display.

“Hauler Two-two-niner,” he said, “scans look good, and you’ve been given authorization to approach the surface. Please follow the guide lights down towards the planetary atmosphere, then continue as you will to your destination.

The pilot grunted in approval, then slowly began his approach vector towards the planet.