Sanguine Massacre, Pt 1

Taloren Prime, Throne System, Imperial Domain of the Boundless Drogar

The skies above Lacroseth City were beautiful and clear, while the streets far, far below were abuzz with activity. There were throngs of drogar going about, busy as bees and living their lives.

Some of the streets were rife with political chatter and discussion, as was the norm around the towers. After all, it was the center of Imperial power and so all manner of political discussions and arguments filled the air.

But normal citizens and political pundits were far from the only people all around the towers.

A good portion of the streets surrounding the towers were taken up by thousands of Sanguine Fundamentalists, all of them protesting angrily against the powers-that-be.

Most of them were wearing their usual blood red robes, and were adorned with their various simple rifles and weapons. More than half had signs above their heads, some via holoprojection, others via poorly-written physical signs.