Jack goes to Anna's house

Jack's POV

After the art class, I went to my History class. I went and sat with Harry. He told me about his vacation and that he went to Hawaii with his family to spend the summer(Lucky guy). History ended with us getting a lot of assignments to complete over the week. Then was my last class, geology. It was the first time in the geology class. It went rather well. After all those classes and talking with my friends, my mood was thankfully back to normal. I didn't want to keep a grudge on Drake because he is not the guy you would like to fight with.

After the class, I went to my locker to put my stuff back. I found Anna beside my locker. I smiled at her. We went to the bus stand without taking and I decided to ask her about her day to break the awkward silence. After a little conversation, our bus arrived and we sat together.

"Umm Jack I have been thinking to ask you something," She said staring at her feet.

Ok I didn't like the way she asked me that question. Did Leo tell her my secret? Did Leo told Katie and she told Anna. My palms started sweating and the heat was rising in my face.

"I didn't want to ask you this after what happened at the canteen," She said still not looking at me.

I calmed myself and finally said.

"Ok ask me, I won't mind" She looked at me this time.

"You know this Saturday there is a football match between our school and the Exeter High School. I want to go to watch the match and cheer for Drake ,so umm I wanted someone to talk to during the match, so I wanted you to come with me.But after what happened at Canteen ..."She paused and looked at me. I looked at her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. You can really feel the ocean by just seeing her eyes.

"Ok I will go" I said atlast to break the tension.

"Thank you so much, Jack. I am sorry that I have been asking a lot from you lately" She said looking at me.

"Hey no problemo, just don't forget to contact your best friend from next time" I winked at her and her cheeks turned pink.

We got off the bus and parted our ways. I got to my house and saw my mom in the kitchen.

"I am home, mom"I said and my mom turned to look at me.

"Do you want any snacks?" My mom asked.

"Yeah some Doritos would be nice" I said and my mom smiled.

"Ok I will leave them in your room" My mom said and I went upstairs to my room.

Anna's POV

I got to my house, went upstairs to my room and went straight to shower. I avoid my mum as much as possible. My mum and I had some pretty big fights this summer. We just see each other at morning and dinner. I just keep myself isolated from my mother. The main reason is my big brother, Micheal. My father is a successful businessman and my brother works with him in his company. My mother always compares me with Micheal (because he is successful at bussiness too) and she almost pushed me to take Bussiness Studies. That's what started the big fights with my mother over the summer.But I want to become what my hearts want and not what my family wants. Ok I don't want to think about this stuff anymore,I told myself, it just kills my mood.

I got out of shower and dried my hair. I put on fresh clothes and started to work on my assignments. 4 hours passed by and I had completed my Biology assignments. I put my back on the wall and decided to call Drake. He didn't answer the call, so I texted him.

Anna-Hey,would you mind to spend some time tomorrow after school, maybe in the park.

I waited for some time but he didn't send any reply. I sighed and texted Jack instead.

Anna-Hey,what are you doing?

He immediately replied.

Jack-Umm just finished half of my History assignments.He gave a hell lot of homework.So,what about you?

Anna- Just finished my Bio Assignments.

Jack-Ohh, So do we still have the plan for tomorrow ?

Oh my god, I forgot that Jack was coming to my home to help me with my chemistry assignments. I had already asked Drake to go out tomorrow. What do I tell Jack now?.

Anna-Jack can we please shift it to Wednesday?

Jack-umm okay.

Anna-Thanks ,good night.

Jack-Ya, good night.

I went downstairs to check if the dinner was ready. Apparently my mum had finished dinner and went to sleep and she didn't even call me for dinner. I saw that my food was on the table. I ate silently and then brushed my teeth before going to sleep.


The alarm went off and I got up and did my usuals-brushed teeth and showered. I changed my clothes, took my bag and went downstairs. I met my mother reading the newspaper and she looked at me with disgust. I ignored her and went to eat my breakfast. I poured some cereals and milk in a bowl and finished it fast. I looked at my phone for the time- 7:15am , so I has 15 minutes before the bus arrives. I noticed that Drake had replied .

Drake-Sorry Anna,I have some extra practice all week , can't meet you at canteen also.

Ok so now I am not going to see my boyfriend for the whole week. Great start to a day.

I went out of my house and started my way to the bus stand.Jack was as usual waiting for me at the stand. I looked at me and smiled.We sat down in the bus.

"So, you going out today?" He asked suddenly.

"Umm sorry Jack I forgot about the plan and asked Drake to go to the park." I said apologising.He muttered something under his breath but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Anyway he is having extra practice so he can't meet me for the whole damn week."I said somewhat angrily.

"Oh you look cute when you are angry" He said laughing . I raised my eyebrows and I think he realised what he had said.

"Umm sorry about that" He said blushing.

" Yeah no problem" I said and my cheeks blushed too. He called me cute.

We reached our school and went to our respective classes. After 2 classes were over,it was lunchbreak.I went to the canteen and I went to sit with my friends. I sat beside Jack , Leo was sitting with Katie, Harry and Selena were sitting together and Dan was sitting with a guy whose name I don't know.

"So should I come to your house today as umm your date got cancelled" He asked.

"Hey it was not a date and yeah you can come today if you wish" I snapped back and he smiled.

Then we went off for our classes. Maths and physics were alright and finished rather quickly. Again Chemistry felt like an eternity. Our day ended and I went home . I started cleaning up my room as Jack was coming. Why am I feeling nervous?

There was a knock on the door and opened it. Jack was waiting outside the door with his bag. I welcomed him and he entered my house.

"Who is it?"My mom asked from the kitchen.

"Oh its Jack" I said and my mom came out of the kitchen.

"Why is he here?" My mom asked sharply.

"He came to help me with my studies" I said to her.

"See this is why I told you to take Bussiness Studies, so you don't need help from this lame boy" She said with disgust.

"Mom I want to follow my dream . Why do you never understand this?. And Jack is not at all lame" I said in an angry voice. Jack looked at me surprised because I defended him from my mother.

"Ok go on, I don't care about you anymore" She said and we were going towards the stairs she again shouted.

"Where do you think you are going Mrs. Garcia ?Do all your work on the couch so I can keep an eye on him" She said looking at Jack.

"Ok mam" This time Jack replied.

"Your mom is in a great mood today" He said sarcastically, I smiled and we sat down.

Oh did I forget to mention? My mom hates Jack.