Anger burned in me as I squeezed the paper. Lies, lies, nothing but lies! He's coming for me? What a joke! He wants a second chance? He'll get that in hell. All that man ever did to us was hurt us, and cause us trouble and sorrow, now he wants us back? He really thinks I'll let him back in, doesn't he? He wants us to let him back in so he can hurt us the more, how cruel of him.

"Bullshit!" I exclaimed and laid on my bed with my face in the opposite direction from Brittany.

"What's wrong Ire?" she asked with her voice laced with compassion.

"Nothing Brit, I just want to sleep." I responded then I felt her hand rest calmly on my shoulder as I closed my eyes in anger.

"You're angry…why?"

"It's nothing Brittany."

"You never call me by my full name."