Episode - 2

a subdued atmosphere

Drink a sip of green tea and put down the teacup.

Dojun gazed at the girl sitting opposite the table.

The girl, Seol Yoon-hee, bowed her head and avoided looking at Do-jun when her eyes met him.

"So, you're my brother. Are you saying she's your girlfriend's daughter?"

"Yes, yes."

"And you're saying that my brother and his girlfriend died in an accident, and I said I'd take care of you, who had nowhere to go. So I gave him the password, and he came this way today."

Seol Yoon-hee nodded violently.

Dojun took out his smartphone and looked in the phone book.

The two men on the tab pointed to their brother's girlfriend and daughter, respectively.

"Have we ever met?"

"Oh, no. It's my first time meeting you."

I was lost in thought, holding on to the tingling temples.

Frankly speaking, Dojun can't afford to take someone back.

It's only been a day since he returned to Earth, leaving simply the question of money.

now that everything is awkward in life

To live a normal life, my body was heavy.

"Do you have any other family?"

My mother was an orphan. So, I don't have any place to rely on, ···."."

Seol Yun-hee looked up at Do-jun, fidgeting with her fingers, anxiously.

Then in Do-jun's eyes there was a plate wrapped in plastic wrap on the table.

Fried rice covered with egg water. It was omelet rice.

"This one?"

"It's omelet rice. He, ·····. When you come home from work, ······. Eat it."

"I can't take you back for now."

"···하,, but surely."

The girl took out her smartphone and showed it to Dojun.

The screen on the smartphone showed the letter from Dojun.

To summarize the text, it was okay to live in Dojun's house until he graduated from school.

The date was three days ago.

letters two days before a traffic accident

Dojun could see that Seol Yoon-hee was unaware that she had been in a car accident.

" "···분, I'm sure I sent it."

Seol Yoon-hee could not understand why Do-joon was reacting like this.

I can understand if I came here carelessly, but I'm sure Dojun has reached out to help me first.

"I was hospitalized until yesterday. I was in a car accident. And I just got out of the hospital today. In addition, the most important facts are ·······. I have amnesia."

"District, traffic accident? Are you all right?!"

Dojun nodded.

"I'm fully recovered now."

Seol Yoon-hee swept her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The key is amnesia. It's likely to cause a lot of disruption to our daily lives. So, I don't think I can take care of anyone right now. It's going to take some time to adjust to life right now."

The remark was like a bolt from the blue for Seol.

He failed to pass the school due to poor grades in his dormitory, which will soon be admitted in March. Because there was no place to live right away.

"······계약. I'm signing a contract."

"A contract?"

"Be a father! Until I graduate."


"You said you had memory loss. Then it will be hard for you to live alone. Cleaning, laundry, and eating. I'll do the lyrics for you. Please let me live here instead. Until graduation,········ No, half a year is fine! Until I go into the dormitory."

Do-jun looked at the omelet rice wrapped in plastic wrap on the table.

And I see Seol Yun-hee biting her lips and looking up with anxious eyes.

Not a bad condition.

No, it's rather good.

Having been in the midfield for so long, life in modern times must be very clumsy. If you use your power to reign over the earth, if you get your hands on the world, everyone will fear you and support you. Because now I wanted to put everything down and live a normal life.

Besides, if you don't know anything, you can ask.

"Okay, that would help me. Well, let's draw up a contract."

"What? Gye, the contract?"

Do-joon nodded and took out paper and pens from his briefcase.

And slowly began to write down the contract items.

After using Chinese for a long time, I was more used to Chinese characters, but fortunately, I was able to write down Korean naturally as if I had not forgotten it.


Put the pen down on the table.

And Dojun presented the draft of the contract to Seol Yun-hui.

She thought she had to write a contract for this kind of thing, but now she couldn't afford it, so she didn't say anything.

1. Call Lee Do-joon Gap and Seol Yoon-hee Eul.

2. A shall provide a residential environment for B by December 31, 2020.

3. B shall notify A in writing of the details of the calculation, including receipts, of various utility bills, living expenses, and allowances, and A shall pay B the above amount unless there is anything special.

4. B shall be faithful to the housework during the contract period, ······.


"Read it once. Tell me if you don't understand, or if there's anything that needs to be revised."

"Yes, yes!"

Seol Yun-hee calmly and meticulously read the contract.

Though I felt sad reading it.


Look at Dojun's face over the contract.

"Is there any place you want to modify?"

"Oh, no!"

"Then let's sign it."

Seol Yun-hee has to write a contract like this, but she says she's the daughter of her brother's girlfriend, even though there's no blood involved blood.

We're on the same terms as family members who have to lose their family and be cared for.

Dojun tilted his head and said,

Seol Yoon-hee was a little dissatisfied with Do-joon's attitude as if he was dealing with others thoroughly.

However, I heard that there are many cases in this world where parents and children live together.

When I thought so, I felt sad that it was natural, but I couldn't help it.


Do-joon signed it, followed by Seol Yoon-hee.

Seol Yun-hee was a little concerned about the contract period for item 1.

Of course, it will be solved if we work hard and pass the dormitory, but I thought living together would be good for each other.


Seol Yun-hee made up her mind, clenched her fist.

Let's do our best. Let's do that and stand on our own up.

"Then I look forward to working with you for a year."

"Yes, yes! I will work hard. Oh, then can I call you father from now on?"

"Do as you please."

"Please call me Yoon-hee, too. And don't use honorifics, please speak informally."

"Yes. All right, Yoon-hee."

" "··예예예예? Well, you're getting used to it very quickly."

Dojun stood up smiling.

Then I walked to the laundry basket and undressed my suit jacket, undone my shirt button.

Since I came back home, it was to change into comfortable clothes.


Without realizing it, Seol Yoon-hee looked at Do-joon's body.

I've been thinking about it since the first meeting.

Dojun was a model.

A well-balanced body overall well-balanced body

And he wasn't that big, but he was taller than 180cm and has distinct features.

I couldn't believe that he was a brother to Lee Kang-joon, who was the boyfriend of his mother.

'By the way, you don't say anything about cleaning the house.'

When I first came home.

It used to be dirty enough to resemble a pigsty.

Every day, food was ordered, food scraps were dried, and clothes were thrown roughly.

Moreover, the house smelled bad, so I ventilated, vacuumed, and mopped.

The leftover chicken and pigs' feet in the refrigerator were rotting, so I had a hard time throwing them away.

'There's nothing in the fridge, so I'll have to go grocery shopping.'

Naturally, Dojun was unaware of the fact.

The fact that he rarely cleaned the house in the past.



"There's not a single side dish in the refrigerator, so I think I'll have to go grocery shopping."


Dojun took the card out of his wallet and handed it over to Seol.

Seol Yun-hee, who received the card, looked at Do-jun with a blank look.

"What's wrong?"

"He, uh, ······. You said it was amnesia, right? Then wouldn't you be able to remember a little if you shop at a little?"

"·········확실히 그러네. Then let's go together."

Although Do-jun was not suffering from amnesia, he was only unfamiliar with modern life because he had been in the midfield for so long, but he did not try to express himself.

* * *

"My father's usual eating habits show that he doesn't eat vegetables, so I'm going to cook a lot of vegetables for the time being. You're all right, aren't you?"

Seol Yoon-hee picked up a bunch of water parsley and said, putting it in a cart.

Dojun smiled and stroked Seol's head.

At that moment, Seol's face turned red.

"Thank you."

It wasn't that I didn't really eat vegetables, but anyway, I felt proud that taking care of these little things would be a plus for Do-jun.

It was then.


"Blood, avoid!"

It's falling out!


An electric current occurred in the air 10 meters away.

After a while, the space seemed to rip.

The length was a little over a meter.

Nearby people who were shopping shouted and rushed away.

"What is it?"

"It's a crack. Fortunately not. It's about a meter long. Probably goblin. Father, it's dangerous. Stay away from it."

A moment later, Seol Yoon-hee pulled a revolver-shaped gun out of her bag.

not a gun for ordinary live ammunition

One of the Hunters' basic weapons.

If Mana was loaded onto a Mana gun, Mana could condense and shoot like a bullet.

Seol was confident in dealing with Mana Gun.

Although Mana itself is not much, I am confident that I will be second to none in control.


As Seol Yun-hui said, a goblin popped out of the crack.

A mart employee was beckoning the people, and another was rushing to the police.


Dojun did not bother to step forward.

I tried to keep my life unnoticed in the first place.

'Was it a Hunter?'

I could feel the "ki" from the gun that Seol Yun-hee was holding.

Although it was hardly as good as Dojun's, he judged that it was enough to catch Goblin in front of him.


Mana's bullet rotates along.

And passed through Goblin's head.

Goblin died instantly, without a break, in pain, screaming.

"Lord, you're dead!"

"There was a Hunter!"

Seol Yun-hee put the gun back in her bag.

I frowned at Dojun, who was standing next to me.

"I told you to stay away from the danger. What if you were hurt, Dad!"

"I'm sorry. I'll be careful from now on."


Seol Yoon-hee grumbled, inflating her cheeks.