Uncertain time

When Abriella bent down to pick up the file, she stared at the file silently and looked up at David who raised an eyebrow. "Ehm... Can you get this for me?" Asked Abriella who realized that no matter how many times she tried to retrieve the file, she would not be able to hold it.

Now it was David's turn who felt himself to be a fool, the man smiled with a low chuckle that made Abriella's ears feel blessed at that moment. The woman subconsciously pulled the corners of her lips as David bent down to pick up the file that was on the floor.

And when David stood up straight again, he found Abriella smiling at him. Which automatically made David smile back and fall silent when he found out that Abriella was immersed in her own world. David didn't do anything to make Abriella aware, he just stared at Abriella's beautiful face and watched her carefully.

Abriella, who realized herself, became embarrassed when she saw that David was currently looking at her with a smile on his face. Abriella backed away from David and looked to the right and left, feeling awkward and awkward facing the Idol.

David who saw this behavior continued to smile, and then cleared his throat to stop his smile so that Abriella wouldn't feel embarrassed. He walked over and sat on the sofa in his house as he opened the file and put it on the table in an arranged condition, in a row so that Abriella could see everything.

David looked up to his right and looked at Abriella who was looking at the file from where she was. David felt if the distance from where Abriella was standing was far enough from the table where the files were, then David immediately stood up from his seat and invited Abriella to check and sit on the sofa.

"Sit here… And take a look at everything in detail!" Compared to a greeting, what David said at that time sounded more appropriate to be called an order to Abriella.

The woman, who had just received an order from David, could only faintly chuckle, then she sat down and looked at one by one the sheets of paper that David had arranged.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Abriella and David, who were staring at the files, turned to the door which was knocked three times.

Abriella had seen the confused look on David's face when he heard the knock on the door, which then told her to stay put while he went towards the door to see who had come to visit his place that almost no one knew about.

When she received the order to stay where she was, Abriella chuckled softly as she shook her head. 'I am a ghost, then why is he saying that as if I am a human here?' Abriella thought as she looked back to see David's back walking towards the door.

Curious... That's what Abriella was feeling who then stood up and went towards the door, following in the footsteps of David who had arrived at the door. "Who?" David asked through the cam that had been installed on the door, so David and Abriella could see who was coming.

Behind the door is a woman with blonde hair that is curled up with bangs above her thin eyebrows. Abriella frowned as she felt familiar with the woman she was looking at. While David immediately opened the door for the woman.

"Who's he?" Abriella asked David who was shocked to hear the question, David immediately turned to Abriella who was already behind him. Just as David was about to give Abriella a protest, the door opened and the woman had already entered David's house. So David gave up his intention to reprimand Abriella.

Meanwhile, Abriella, who knew that David could not reprimand her, laughed loudly, which only David could hear. Meanwhile, the woman who had just entered David's house could not hear anything from Abriella.

"Hi David, how are you?" asked the woman who immediately gave a kiss on the left and right cheeks of David who hugged him briefly.

"Ah, I'm fine... How about you?" David asked again after he had answered the first question that started their conversation.

"Well… I'm fine, just a little busy! A little!" The woman replied, emphasizing the word a little which she repeated afterward. David chuckled softly at the answer, as he watched the woman take off her jacket and hang it on a hanger beside the entrance.

Abriella, who witnessed this, began to remember an artist who was reported to have a special relationship with David, but the news had been blowing for so long make Abriella questioned again about the time where she was at this time. Abriella walked left and right with her eyes darting around to find a calendar or something.

David, who could see that Abriella was currently busy looking for something he didn't know, finally asked spontaneously, "What are you looking for?" he asked Abriella. But unfortunately, Abriella was not seen by David's girlfriend, so the woman thought that David asked her.

The woman then answered with a question again because she did not understand the meaning of the question, "Looking for what? I'm not looking for anything, David. I only came here because I wanted to see you." The woman replied to David who was silent and cursed himself for asking.

David just laughed awkwardly as he glanced at Abriella who was silent in her place and replied, "Ah... No, I thought you were looking for a new design that our shop would launch." Obviously, a very good David playing on the word and hiding his mistakes.

Abriella who saw David's hidden skill could only be silent with blinking eyes repeatedly. Feeling distrustful of David who had succeeded in diverting her to something else and covering up her mistake. For at this moment the woman smiled at David and said,

"Actually I'm not here for that. But if there's a new product design you'd like to come out with, I wouldn't mind being the first to judge it." That's what the woman said to David who nodded then walked over to his desk to take one of the files and showed it to his friend while turning to Abriella who was still silent in her place.