Go to New Jersey

In the morning, according to what they all planned. They went to Melinda's grandmother's house in Ramblewood, Mt Laurel Township, New Jersey. The three of them used Jane's car which she had driven last night. It was an unusual morning... Abriella realized that she hadn't dreamed of David last night, so even she who initially wanted to find out couldn't do anything.

Along the road to Ramblewood, Abriella was silent and stared out the window. Seeing Abriella who had been silent all this time, Jane who was now driving turned to Melinda who was sitting beside her, and quietly asked her female friend. "What happened to him?" Jane asked Melinda.

Melinda who realized immediately looked back saw Abriella who was still staring outside in silence. Until Natasha, who was playing with her cellphone, looked up at Melinda, then looked at Abriella.

"Ella, what's wrong?" Natasha asked which made Abriella wake up from her daydream and turned to Melinda and Natasha who were now staring at her. While Jane only glanced at her occasionally in the rearview mirror.

"Ah… I'm fine, I'm just sleepy and looking at the road. Are we there yet?" Asked Abriella who acted as if she was fine to her three friends who knew that the girl was not okay at the moment.

"Ella… Don't say things like that! We know something's bothering you right now, right? Just tell us what it is. So that we can help you solve it!" The words that were said by Jane who was now driving were agreed by Natasha and Melinda who nodded their heads at Abriella.

The girl sighed and nodded slowly, "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to worry the three of you! But I just feel confused, why suddenly I didn't dream of David, last night…" Abriella said which sounded like a disappointment from Abriella.

Jane, Natasha, and Melinda who heard those words were silent for a while. Before finally, Jane laughed loudly, making Abriella confused, and looked at her who was now driving the car.

"What is it? Is that a funny thing?" Abriella asked her friend who always joked with her. Meanwhile, Melinda just looked to the side and shook her head not wanting to join in Jane's jokes that would later make Abriella knit or get angry at them. Meanwhile, Natasha who sat beside Abriella just smiled and waited for an answer from Jane.

"Ahahaha… I'm sorry, Ella. But from what you have just said, I can conclude that you wish to meet David in every dream of yours." Jane's words managed to make Abriella silent.

"Oh really?" Asked Abriella who didn't realize that her words were a form of disappointment that she didn't dream of meeting David last night. Not only Jane but Natasha and Melinda also nodded their heads, confirming the question.

"Abriella… Are you in love with David?" Asked Melinda who suddenly turned around and asked Abriella about it.

Surprised! Of course, Abriella was surprised at the question. The woman immediately shook her head, denying the question. But the reaction that Melinda gave her was the reaction of someone who didn't believe in criminals hiding a carcass whose fragrance was everywhere.

"I just… Just wanted to help him! That's all, I never... It never crossed my mind to fall in love with David!" Said Abriella again, which finally made Melinda smile widely and nodded repeatedly, after which she looked back to the front to show Jane the way.

Abriella who saw Melinda's reaction could only exhale and folded her arms while looking out the window. Back silent with a confused mind because of the question Melinda gave her earlier. Meanwhile, Natasha, who was sitting beside Abriella, could only stare at her friend silently and play her cell phone again.

"We have arrived!" Jane's words managed to make Abriella turn her head to look ahead, where a large house with a wooden fence and shady trees in its garden could be seen. Abriella suddenly felt worried and nervous, when she realized that they were going to meet a fortune-teller who would find out what Abriella was going through right now.




The four women got out of the car and they followed Melinda's footsteps who had already walked towards the door of the house.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Melinda knocked on the door three times, after which they could all hear an answer from inside telling them to wait.

"Wait a moment!" That was the answer they could hear, the voice of an old woman who they believed was Melinda's grandmother's voice.

Soon the door opened and revealed a woman who was old but looked beautiful and fit. The woman looked at them one by one and smiled when she looked at Melinda who was now smiling very broadly.

"Grandma!" Called Melinda who immediately hugged the woman, who was really Melinda's grandmother.

"Ah... Melinda, are you coming? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have cooked something if I had known you were coming!" Said Granny Melinda who protested to her granddaughter, who came suddenly bringing her three friends without telling her first.

Melinda chuckled softly, then released her arms and introduced her friends one by one to her grandmother. "No need Grandma! I'm here because I brought my friends. These are, Jane, Abriella, and Natasha!" Said Melinda who pointed to one by one of them.

The woman looked in turns at her granddaughter's friends and smiled at all of them. "You are all beautiful! Come on in and relax inside!" She said then let them in.

Jane, Abriella, and Natasha turned to Melinda who nodded her head signaling them to enter their grandmother's house. Finally, they all entered and sat in the living room.

"Grandma! Actually, I came here because I wanted to know about the problem one of my friends was having!" Melinda said to her grandmother. Tell her about the reason she visited her today. Melinda's grandmother turned to Melinda's friends and pointed at Abriella who was sitting in the middle between Jane and Natasha.

"What's the problem you want to know about?" Melinda's grandmother asked suddenly, which made them all surprised to hear that correct guess. Melinda just smiled and nodded her head. Granny Melinda looked back at Abriella, and now the gaze was getting sharper.