
That afternoon after finishing work, Abriella who came home between Brian seemed more silent than before. Whereas before that Brian, who was talking with Abriella, didn't see the problem that the woman was thinking about, but now what he saw was much different so when they arrived in front of the Abriella Apartment building, Brian who didn't get out of the car asked Abriella.

"Ab… Is there something bothering you? I see you're a lot quiet this afternoon, even though this afternoon you were fine. Is it because of Xian?" Brian asked who finally guessed that Abriella's current silence was because the intern worked in the same room with her. Meanwhile, Abriella, who was just about to open Brian's car door, was silent and turned to Brian. Abriella refused to get out of the car and sat back in her seat, then looked ahead.

Abriella was silent for a moment, making Brian, who asked her, also fall silent and wait for her. Abriella exhaled slowly, then she answered. "No Brian… I don't have a problem with Xian. This is just my problem with myself, and… I don't know how to tell you about itu." Said Abriella who turned to Brian who was now looking at her seriously.

While the man who heard the explanation from Abriella didn't force what Abriella didn't want to do, he just nodded his head and held Abriella's hand that was stored on the thigh. So when he held her hand, the woman turned to him and saw the sincere smile he gave to her. "I understand and don't feel bothered if you don't want to tell me all your troubles, however… I just hope that the problems you're having won't interfere with your health. I want you to stay healthy and happy!" The words that Brian said to Abriella sounded so kind and sweet. So that Abriella, who had felt dizzy with all the problems she faced regarding David, felt calmer than before.

"Thank you for all the things you have done for me, Brian..." Abriella said as she looked deeply into Brian's eyes that were looking at him gently. Abriella's hand that looks slender and thin lifted and touched Brian's cheek who was beside him, making the grown man smile and kiss his hand lovingly.

"It doesn't matter, Abriella… I'll always be here, beside you. Whatever happens!" Brian replied, making Abriella smile even wider.

Abriella also took the initiative to shift her body to get closer to Brian and gave Brian a short kiss on the cheek. Abriella then back away from the man and they looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"Be careful on the road!" Abriella said to Brian who nodded and let go of their hand slowly when Abriella opened her car door and got out of the car.

The car window was open, so they could still stare at each other even though they weren't in the same place. "See you later!" Brian said to the woman.

Abriella nodded her head and waved her hand at Brian when the car that Brian was driving started to drive and leave the apartment area.

After Brian's car was no longer visible in Abriella's view, the woman who had been waving her hand became silent and watched the cars passing by in front of her apartment building. Then she took a deep breath and started walking into the apartment building.

The smile on Abriella's face that had never faded before began to disappear as she walked towards the elevator that was still closed. Abriella pressed the elevator button and instantly remembered the incident when she forced David to speak to her in front of the elevator. So when David gave a lecture, the elevator door accidentally opened and many people witnessed the incident. Thinking of David as a weirdo talking to himself, even though at that time David was talking to her.

Abriella also remembers the article that discusses it, so Abriella is now starting to feel guilty. Because it has made David considered a madman, even when the death that befell him was a murder that was considered an act of suicide.

"Should I go to him and ask him to clarify to all his employees if he's not crazy?" Abriella muttered as she stood in front of the elevator doors and waited for them to open.

"But how to make him believe if some of his employees have thought of him as a person with a mental disorder?" Abriella asked herself again, and at the same time, the elevator door opened making Abriella turn around and see several people who were looking at her strangely because she had time to talk to herself even though she was talking to herself.

Abriella cleared her throat and got into the elevator, while the people in the elevator got out because this was their destination. And when the elevator doors closed again, when Abriella was alone in it she groaned and ruffled her hair into a mess. After that Abriella exhaled slowly and calmed herself after feeling embarrassed when she was caught talking to herself like earlier.

"Maybe this is how David felt at the time!" Abriella muttered very quietly and stared at her reflection reflected in the closed elevator doors. She looked down again and saw the necklace she was wearing under his shirt. She took out the necklace and paid attention to the details, also gently caressing the leather pendant with his thumb.


Abriella was surprised when the sound of the elevator stopped ringing, indicating that she had arrived at the floor where her room was. Abriella immediately put the necklace back into her clothes and walked out of the elevator.

Passing a husband and wife whom he recognized as Mr. and Mrs. James who lives right next to Abriella's apartment.

"Oh Abriella, how are you?" When Abriella deliberately did not greet the two, because she did not want to talk for a long time. But a question said by Mrs. James at her finally made Abriella couldn't help but stop her steps and turn to look at the two with a smile she gave them.

"Oh… Mrs. James! Mr. James! I'm doing fine, and lately, I've been busy with my work again!" Said Abriella who said that on purpose and held up some files in her hands, so that both of them understood that Abriella was currently busy and didn't have time to chat any longer. Although Abriella just didn't want to talk to her neighbor.

The husband and wife looked at the file in Abriella's hand, then smiled at the woman. "I understand how busy you are, Abriella! I hope you can take the time to have dinner with us." Mrs. James offered a joint dinner to Abriella who smiled wryly at that.

"I'll call you guys when I've finished all my work, how about the weekend? Isn't that the right time?" Asked Abriella who was looking for a day where she could eat with the husband and wife who were quite close to Abriella when they first moved here.

"Yes! That's a great idea! We'll be waiting for you this weekend, then... You may bring your relative or your lover who drove you the other day!" Said Mrs.James back while laughing softly at Abriella, even Mr. James laughed lightly too. While the embarrassed Abriella laughed softly because she felt that Brian had not fully become her lover, no word between the two stated that they were now lovers.

"We're going to the mart across the street... Do you want to leave something, Abriella?" Mrs. James asked again, offering if Abriella needed anything to buy. But Abriella, who really didn't want anything at the moment and just wanted to lie on the bed, shook her head.

"Ah... No need, Mrs. James! Thank you!" Abriella answered Mrs. James. Finally, the husband and wife left after saying good night and good rest to Abriella. Meanwhile, Abriella, who was very tired, immediately went into her apartment and walked to the sofa in the living room to lie down on it.