About Lee Seojin

The time is half-past six in the afternoon. David, Kristof, O'Niel, and Ed immediately packed up their books and their respective equipment, after the material explained by David was successfully understood by the three, and because of that, they became sure that they would pass the repetition test which would be held sometimes. closest to that day.

"Ed-san, which way are you going?" a question asked by Kristof who at that time had already packed up his things now turned to look at Ed who immediately turned to look at him,

"Oh! I was picked up by my father, don't worry Kristof-kun" explained Ed to Kristof who is now smiling and nodding his head after knowing that Ed's father will come and pick him up to go home, and now Kristof's gaze turns to O'Niel.

"How about you O'Niel?" Kristof asked now taking turns asking O'Niel who was now smiling and nodding his head as he said,