
Hi guys I have decided to increase my word count and improve the system interface a little. More improvement will come later on..


Having decided what to do, and after replenishing my energy back to a acceptable degree I decided to take a better look at the system and figure out if there will be any complications before I go hunting monsters. And I have to take a look at my skills, in more detail so to better understand them. I mean they seem to be the same skills I had before my body got changed. But that does not mean they have the same effects.

I was thought at home by my mom that although many monsters have similar sounding skills. But many of those skills have deferent effect, and this effects range from species to species, so no two creatures can have exactly the same skill set even if they are from the same species or even have the same bloodline.

Taking that into account, it is always imperative that you know the effects of your skills so to not be put in a dangerous situation at a critical moments you need them to work. So in thinking that way I decided to call my blood matrix system which had gone back out of display some time ago.

Thrivax: Blood matrix

I said which was the activation code for the bloodline matrix software program that made up the system. It was a very simple and easy to understand code, which was the reason it was used, so that even young children from the noble families that gave their children the system early can easily remember it. But that being the case, it does not mean the activation code cannot be changed to what while be easier for you to remember.

And just like a child running to his mother after they hear her call. The system immediately comes on line again.

*ding *

******** BLOODLINE MATRIX ********

Name +

Age + 3 (Y) 4 (M) 1(D)

Spices +undead plant

Bloodline + sunlight dryad

Level + 1

====== Physical value ======

Health + (F)

Stamina +(A)

Strength +(F)


Endurance + (F)



Intelligence +(A)


Spirit +(F)

Luck +(A)


======= ability value =======

= Growth(A) = Bind(F) = Constrict(F) = Spike Growth(F)

= Sun heal(A) = Leaf blow (F)

======= total values =======

Potential + (S)

Grade +(D)

TM (total matrixes) ++(A)++


After taking a better look at the system, I came to a realization that I did not have any name. I mean I had a name, what I mean is that the system did not register me with any name. and that became very strange to me because at the point of giving you the system a name is registered by the company to your genetic bloodline, which shows ownership of the system.

It at the same time acts as a individual Identification for you where for you to do any kind of activity in a country you have to show you system interface to the authorities. It also acts as a way to justify your innocence from a crime because the system records all your activities from the moment it is installed, to the moment you die.