
[killed level 6 HORNED RABBIT]


[Experience Achieved]


[Experience Achieved]


[leveled up ]


[skill proficiency Achieved]


[skill proficiency Achieved]


[skill proficiency Achieved]


[skill proficiency Achieved]

I did not pay any mind to the system notification what was on my mind was that the source of my experience and proficiency are all running away, and this could become very troublesome for me because. I am not the moving kind of species yet so I can't go out or live this place to hunt. And even if I can move a little with my =constrict= skill, because of the nature of the skill it would not be an effective tool to use in the long run. So what I am saying in all this is that I have to kill as many as I can before they all escape.

---------------fight scene------------

When the rabbits stated running away all over the place into different directions. I stated to panic but after a little thinking I decided to hunt as many as I can before they all vanish.

And I know just the effective skill for this job.

I did not waste any more time on thinking before activating my = leaf blow = skill, because this rabbits a very fast, infarct as I was thinking a lot of them have already escaped, but I am very thankful that they were a lot of them here to begin with. I think they should be more than 100 of them here originally.

Ones the skill was activated the wind around me stated to become stronger and stronger and stronger. It was so strong that it was threatening to blow me away. But I think it was my fault.

Because I was panicked a little a put almost 90% of my energy reserves into the activation of the skill, which in turn boosted its effectiveness and generated this adverse effect.

As the wind became stronger. I stated to track what was happening with my mana sensing skill and I was astonished by what was happening.

The wind right in front of me stated to twist and compress on each other to form something that looks like those primitive long ranged tools or were day weapons that I saw in the MONASTERY OF ANCIENTS, back when I was at home. The first time me and my parents went to the city.....

I think they were called ELIONS (arrows). It did not take long for them to come to a finished form and immediately after the where formed. the wind elions (arrows) short out of the air targeting the fleeing rabbits. I think they were about 5 of the wind elions (arrows) each time. but they were smaller than the ones I have seen. They were about 20cm each.

Seeing their size, I decided to change the direction of the lunched wind elions using mana to manipulate them slightly directly into the heads of the rabbits. Because I don't think the skill is strong enough to kill them if I don't give them a critical hit.

And that choice was the right one

As the wind elions right the rabbits one by one I did not just get a lot of critical hits but sometimes I was even able to hit two one more rabbits at the same time.

And just when my attack was done and the rabbits have all fled. Suddenly roots bust out from the ground and took all the rabbits underground. And the system notification stated popping up.

----------------fight end---------------


[killed level 5 HORNED RABBIT]