31) THE FIRST PRINCES side chapter 1

My name is Isabel Von Brave, and I am the first princes of the KINGDOM OF BRAVENO, a strange name for a kingdom right, yes I also believe so, but you can't say that to the people around you if you are one of the ruling parties of that kingdom.

As a princess I was different from the other royals, in both my family and other kingdoms. This is because I love fighting and training.

And no not that king of princess noble training, I am talking about the type of training that a knight does, or the training that a solder does, or even the type of real would experience training that an adventurer those.

Plus my favorite weapon and the weapon I was most talented with was a kind of Double Bladed Scimitar, in which the hilt could extend into a strafe, and the blades could be bent facing sideways, forming something like a Double Bladed Scythe.{ try to look it up on the internet to get a better picture) with very coved blades.

And it is because of this very fact, and also because I was known as THE DEFECTED PRINCESS. But that did not get to me too much. Because that title gave me all the freedom in the world to do what I wanted. So I took that opportunity to join the knights academy instead of the royal academy that the rest of my siblings joined.

And ooh, did I mention that I had two older brothers and two younger sisters, but that those not mater because the all see me as a loser who can't do anything right, and a muscle head,

so they all stated bulling me, not physically by the way, because despite how I look and even if I am not talented with my brain, that those not mean I am completely helpless, I am very smart if I decided to of cause on my study , so much so that I can compete with amongst the smartest minds in this kingdom if I tried hard enough.

But despite all this my talent physically was a hundred times more than that of my brain. My talent was so much that I graduated from the knight academy at the age of 13 with full honors in all department, both physically and mentally.

And to make my standing even more amazing, I also became the captain of the royal demon knights by the age of 16, to my father's disapproval of cause, but he had no choice because of all the achievements I have made.

And by the age of 22 I became one of the most respectable people in the KINGDOM OF BRAVENO comparable in strength to a S CLASS adventurer.

and this same person is scouting one of the most dangerous forest in the world, with my most five trusted knights, which are all female of cause. Because I have more fondness for the same sex rather than opposite sex, plus this is also one of the reasons why everyone is disgusted by me, but like I said, I don't CARE !!