I felt a major headache assault me as I regained my consciousness. It was very painful, that for a moment I did not know what was going on. I tried my best to stabilize myself and try to remember what happened to me and what was the cause of this headache that I was felling.

I stated to look around at the environment that I am currently. what came to view was tree branches all-around me. Taking a closer look I realized that I was in a tree and below me down on the forest floor, I could see five large black rats, sleeping around the tree I was currently on. That look like they were waiting for something.

Moving my gaze away from them. I noticed that it was nighttime, and a very beautiful night at that. I tuned my attention to the night sky wondering how I got up here, the last thing I remember was living the barren zone and everything after that is just blank.

As I tried to move my body in other to get to a better position on this tree. I felt a jolt of pain come from my lower half body. When I tuned my attention to it. I saw that almost half of my lower body was, And In that instance. I stated seeing flashes of the event that took place this morning.

How I was attacked by that one dead rat but still managed to kill it. To how I was soon after ambushed by the other five and had to flee up this tree when I could not defeat them. But without getting injured in the process.

I felt a wave of grief wash over me, and I gently moved my attention away from my lower half and laid my head back on the tree branch. I was feeling very frustrated at myself for letting my goad down just because I became a little bit stronger than I was before. And I felt even more sad after realizing that someone like me who was weak in the past without the potential to grow stronger. Now that I had that chance that i always wanted. I almost lost it by being to over confident.

OR WAS I ? NO!!. I was never over confident. I always calculated every action before taking them. If so what the F*CK!! Happened in my battle with those rats. It felt like I was not concentrating on the main event. And my mind was wondering all over the place with unnecessary thoughts.

I do not know what was going on and I do not care. But what I do know is that I will have to kill all those rats to get out of here safely and also to get my revenge for what they did to me. But for the main time I need to assess my current situation. After taking a closer look, I realized that the wound on my chest has not fully healed yet. And since it is night time my =sun heal= skill won't be very active. Although it is helping me heal little by little but I do not think I would be able to fully heal with the limited energy I have stored up.