It's been almost 9 days since I got into this rock forest. It has been a very amazing experience observing all the different types of life forms that live here. The monsters that inhabit this biomass range from colossal sized monsters to the most smallest of creatures. Through all my days of observation, I have concluded that over 80% of the monsters that live in this biomass are either defense oriented or strength oriented.

Even if their genetic adaptation and the way they use it seems very primitive, it is very effective never the less. By observing this creatures I have concluded that it is possible that I may need to base my future adaptations on a more primitive basses. Just like this creatures in the rock biomass has done.

But there includes another problem with this particular genetic matrix path I am about to embark on. The problem lies in the fact that up until now I have based the use of my strength on a more energy based matrix. if I am to continue like this, the possibility of me meeting a creature that I will not be able to defeat with skills alone may arise.

And I feared that at that moment, I will be at a very disadvantageous position that may lead me to not only be inflicted with great injuries but might even lead to my death. The reason I came to this observation was because of my encounter in observing 3 creatures that live in this biomass.

This creatures are feared by almost all the other creatures in this biomass, as substantially stronger being. By the adaptation in which I have observed them to have, I came to a conclusion that, this beings not only go through the energy adaptation but also go through that physical adaptation, Which in most cases is not possible, because if even one side of this adaptations is out of balance. The organism will die.

So to find organic specimens who not only go through both adaptation, but also keep them in complete harmony as the beings grows and evolve is very interesting. I very much desire that power.

But without the full functions of my system I can't use the system [gene scan matrix]. I think there is another way for me to get what I want, that is to use my = harvester = skill, I have not used the skill since I got it, because I have been stacking the uses of the skill. And by tomorrow the skill is free for use.

So I plane to go out and hunt,

First, a feline creature that looks as if it has fur that is made of metal and had 3 tails which was swaying freely like it was as light as a holo screen in the air. it had huge ears with razor shape fangs and claws, it moves arrogantly, walking in the forest like it owns the place not caring what other creatures think . it fur shoot out of it body from different part like a needle but with incredible speed and piercing ability .

I think this has to do with it adaptation to this environment but on like others it picked a higher material than rock which is metal.