As I saw the rest of the insects scattered all over the place, I immediately blasted off the grand strait to one of the insects that was beside a tree, I hit it with the full force of the velocity generated by my bodies spinning trajectory.

the impact blasted the insect strait into the tree, I did not wait for it to get up before I used the force of my spinning motion to impale it into that tree with my spikes. When I identified that it was dead I blasted off again to the direction of the other insects.

The pattern continued with me smashing some of them first into the ground then impaling them with my spikes, and before I knew it all the insects were dead. When I was done killing the insects and I thought that I was done. when I was about to go and gather up the different body parts of the insect, i sensed the presence of more of this insects coming to my direction and this time I could sense about 40 of them.

I immediately stated to formulate, a plan to attack them by surprise. The reason why I am not running is that, if this insect were as strong as the ones i just killed. Then I think I can kill all of them if I make a surprise attack using a very large portion of my mana pool.

So with immediate effect I stated spinning and rolling to the direction of one of the rock trees were I climbed with expect agility until I was safely on a very strong branch. Ones I was safely balanced I unfolded from my ball form and moved a little closer to the upper parts of the branch, ones I was there, I stated casting = Leaf blow = in a continues motion using my mana as best as I can to maintain their position in the air.

By the time my mana was almost reaching its limit. I had more than 150 leaf arrows with me, seeing that all my preparations were done I used my legs to stab into the rock tree rooting myself in place. And so I waited,...…. I took almost 5 mints for the army of insects to arrive. But ones they did, I could see a particular insect that was much bigger than the rest and its carapace was a lighter shade then the rest of the more normal insects.

It was this particular insect that moved to inspect my massacre environment. After taking a little time inspecting the dead insect, the lighter one made a screech sound and the rest of the insects started to move. After determining that this was the leader, I did not wait any longer before I fired all my wind arrows at them concentrating my fire on the leader of the group.

I watched in amusement as my arrows rained down one by one on the insect army, sometimes taking on or two to kill them, but the one I found most impressive was the insect leader, who had more than 5 arrows in its back but was still defending itself rather impressively against the rest.