The information I got from the integration was so shocking that after I finished processing all of it and finally realizing what it meant, I could not hold myself anymore and stated to cry, not only have I lost a major part of my memories, it will also take a long time for me to go back home. And the worst of it all is that, even if I have the capabilities to go back. I don't know where my home planet is located, because that information was inside the part of my memory that I will never be able to recover.

After a little while i stopped crying and stated looking up at the night sky wondering how I am going to search the whole universe if not other universes for my home world. I stretched out my hands to see if I could touch the stars. That is when I noticed that I actually now have hands. I looked down at my body to try to examine it further to see what changes my new evolution broth me, since I could not do it before because of all the sudden surprises that the system showed me.

My body was completely green. And I was a plant ?.... not sure what was happening I used my mana to examine my body both internally and externally. What I found out was. Yes, I was a kind of plant, but also not a plant at the same time. From my neck down to my legs, I had the form of a human. There are many different species on this planet. humans were one of the dominate ones. And NO!! they were not mixed from different other species like in my own world.

The race known as humans were just an incredible evolve version of a creature known as rock monkeys that lived in this rock biomass, I have used the word humanoid before without really knowing the meaning because it just felt right to use it. Maybe it was caused be my failed integration the first time, and because of that I gained the worlds knowledge but at such a small extent that I don't know the exact meaning of some of those words. It just felt right to use.

But now I do. What humanoid means is that. Any species on this planet or others that takes the same biological shape of this human, is categories as a humanoid variant of that species. and illustration would be the evolved rock ant that I encountered and observed before, and almost all of this humanoid evolved variants are incredible strong.

I looked exactly like a human from my neck down words to my legs. But almost every single part of my body was made out of leaves and wood and vines. My bone was made of wood, my organs and muscle fibers were made of vines, and my skin was made of leaves that where arranged on my body like scales. I had a very light demon knight like black rock armor that covered the essential parts of my body. I had four arms, a heir of vines, with a wooden face that had a split in the middle of it without any features except two glowing beep green eyes.