86) new life

I was very surprised by what the goddess said. Me? A hero, that can't be.Ican't even save the people I love most. And she wants me to be a hero?, what can I even do as a hero, who will I save , I don't think I will save any human or even care for any human ever again for what they did to my family. I might even kill them.

{Child you do no such thing, I am reincarnating you as a hero for the humans. So a hero for the humans you shall be, or I will not reincarnate you at all}

This lady is not nice and I don't think she is really a goddess, maybe one of those evil goddess that I read about in those books is took over the body of the nice goddess my church sister loves praying to.

{child are you ins…}


{ WHAT!! We are under attack!!, how can this be!! Was the prophesy really true!!}

We heard the sound of someone talking. Then the distressed voice of the goddess, she looked very afraid. GOOD. Now you know how I fell when you are being all arrogant and bossy. The goddess instantly tuned and looked at me for some time before snapping her fingers.

{I don't need a hero who can't do what I say, and insults me all the time, begun from my presence and hope that your reincarnation is a pleasant one}

I saw a flash of light then everything went dark

(Some Years Latter)

I woke up to find myself in the front of a very big and beautiful fox, I looked down at my arm and say that I had paws instead of fingers. I felt calm in the presence of this big fox, the same kind of calmness that my church sister makes me fill. I knew I had been reincarnated as a fox and this is probably my mother. And som...…

I fell asleep yesterday, my body fells very tiered and when I look up, I can see a look of worry in my mother's eyes. After some rest, I woke up again to the sound of my mother fighting outside the cave.

The battle was very instance with my mother doing all she can to kill this creature and the creature trying disparately to survive. It was very obvious that my mother was stronger than this creature made of wood and plants, but it was still injuring my mother.

Then the creature did something and the two of them suddenly disappeared, I panicked and looked around. I even went outside to check on them, which was very difficult because of my weak body, which made me very worried

But after some hours of dreaded silence I say my mother's dead body appear right in front of me, and the creature was sitting on the floor and looking at her.

Another of my family was taken from me again. At the very moment I realized that, something broke inside of me, I climbed up the dead body of my mother and just rested on it, going back to sleep.

I just don't care anymore.