Kage and Xuanyu: Demon Heart

Xuanyu looked at Kage's sleeping face and smiled. He's dreaming again. She gently smoothed out his wrinkled brows and whispered a calming mantra by his ear. When she was certain that he was sleeping comfortably, Xuanyu got off the bed and stood by the window to watch as dawn slowly broke. Sometimes, Xuanyu still couldn't believe they are now living in peaceful times.

During the rise of the blood moon, Xuanyu was resigned to her fate. She knew what she needed to do and why. The only difficulty for her was leaving Kage alone.

But as always, Kage surprised her in more ways than one. Not only did he resolve her curse mark, Kage also helped a great man secure the emperor's throne. If it weren't for him she wouldn't be here today, living out the rest of her days in peace.

From the moment Xuanyu laid eyes on Kage she knew he was different. He's the one. She acted silly and unrestrained, shamelessly clung to him and pursued him like her life depended on it. Perhaps, in hindsight, it did. They've been through a lot since the mission to eradicate the demonic insects and not once have Kage failed her expectations. In fact, he surpassed them all!

Still, there was a time when Xuanyu thought she would lose him. A dark and trying episode that, even now, she could not bear to think about.

Because of who and what she was, Xuanyu has a lot of enemies. Adversaries that would do anything in order to hurt her. The day Kage was abducted, in order to lure her out of hiding, is still fresh in her memories. When all she found was a pool of blood in the place where Kage was supposed to be, Xuanyu lost all sense and reason. Her mind went blank and all she could think about was the death of those who dared to harm him.

A demon resides in Xuanyu's heart and it's bound to her soul. But because of Kage she could restrain it. When disaster befall him, Xuanyu could no longer rein it in. In fact, she allowed the demon to run free.

Blood flowed like an endless river that day as Xuanyu killed her way to where Kage was held. And to ease the knot in her heart, she burned the city to the ground. It was only an insignificant kingdom. For Kage, she could raze the world!

The irony was Xuanyu went to the godforsaken place to take back Kage, to save him. But it was him who saved her instead.

Kage learned of who and what she truly was that day. A half demon destined to destroy the world. But instead of turning away and condemning her, like she feared he would, Kage held her close to his chest and told her it was time to go home. They've been inseparable since.

Strong arms wrapped around Xuanyu and cradled her into a warm embrace. She leaned in into the familiar embrace and sighed in contentment and happiness. No words were needed, not between them.

Kage and Xuanyu stood firm, locked in the security of each other. And as the sun rose in the horizon their shadows slowly meld into one. It's another glorious day.

The end… or is it?