A Chinese Odyssey, Extra Story

"Eldest brother, are you all right?" Pigsy looked worriedly at Wukong who seemed to be in a daze since they left town. Wukong blankly stared back at Pigsy before walking away. Pigsy was about to follow but was stopped by Tang Sanzang.

"Leave him be." Tang Sanzang said, turning the other direction to feed his horse.

Pigsy looked at Wukong's desolate figure then at Tang Sanzang's unconcerned demeanor and confusedly scratched his head. The situation was too much for him to think about. Better keep his nose out of it or he would end up doing something to anger eldest brother or Master again. Pigsy sighed in resignation and went to help Sandy set up camp.

Wukong didn't want to admit it but he's affected by what happened on top of the city wall. Seeing his and Zixia's reincarnations gave him mixed feelings. He laid down on the ground and looked at the starry night sky.

"What's there to be confused about," Wukong irritably whispered to himself. "I was a different person back then…" His thoughts unconsciously wandered to the time when he wasn't burdened by his destiny, when he wasn't Sun Wukong.

In life, some meetings are preordained. The moment Zixia confiscated Pandora's box and seared three dots on the sole of his feet their entanglement was sealed. But it wasn't all bad, it wasn't all regrettable.

Wukong remembered the time he wanted to take Zixia sightseeing. He wanted to show her the beauty of Mount Huaguo using Pandora's box but ended up dragging her to the demon realm instead.

The demon realm wasn't exactly a place to go for an outing and it certainly wasn't a place to woo a woman. To make matters worse, Zixia was seen by the Ox King who fell for her beauty and decided to make her his concubine.

But would Wukong allow him to touch his woman? The answer is a resounding NO!

With the demon army nipping at their heels, he and Zixia ran and fought for survival every day. And though Princess Iron Fan seemed to sanction the marriage, she tried to get rid of Zixia and Wukong on the sly with the help of the Ox King's sister, who was once promised to marry Wukong.

A series of unfortunate events happened next but in all that he and Zixia remained together. Their relationship grew closer and stronger.

Wukong's chest tightened at the memory. What happened after was a heartbreaking conclusion to an otherwise lovely tale. He had his destiny to fulfill as Tan Sanzang's companion and Zixia sacrificed herself in order to protect him from the Ox King.

In the end, using the power of Pandora's box for the last time, he and his companions arrived at this place during this time.

When Wukong saw his and Zixia's reincarnation today, fighting on top of the city wall, his heart faltered. Did he make the right choice? In the grand scheme of things, was fulfilling his destiny really that important?

Wukong possessed the body of his reincarnated self because he wanted to know the answer. But the moment his lips touched hers, he knew there was no room for second guessing.

Dawn slowly broke beyond the horizon. Wukong stood up and brushed the dust from his robes, a determined glint flashed in his eyes as renewed vigor enveloped his heart.

Tang Sanzang, who was huddled by the embers of the dying fire, knowingly smiled as he pretended to sleep. It was time to continue their journey to the West.

The end… or is it?